Yasina’s honest words: Rau is not a man who usually has something to blame himself for

Yasina's honest words: Rau is not a man who usually has something to blame himself for

Sometimes Minister Zbigniew Rau controlled some matters closely and others not – said the former spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Łukasz Jasina admitted that he did not know about the visa scandal, and Poland is a “sometimes dictated country”.

TVN24 recalled a recording from October 2023. Then, in the parliamentary corridor, Radomir Wit asked Zbigniew Rau about the visa scandal. The Minister of Foreign Affairs did not stop to talk to the journalist and avoided answering. A former spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asked about Rau’s assessment as the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that “it is fashionable in Poland to spit on your current superior immediately, on the third day.” – I will not do it, because I witnessed two years of hard work of the minister in the field of Polish foreign policy, especially during the period when the war broke out in Ukraine – he said.

He admitted that he “witnessed wonderful things and things that we saw.” He referred in this way to the presented recording from a month ago. – The minister never liked journalists very much, which I tried to alleviate as a spokesman. The minister did not like answering journalists’ questions and did not like press conferences. That’s why he had a spokesman who didn’t know everything, but was supposed to contact journalists, Jasna said.

A candid interview with a former spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He talked about the visa scandal

Wit asked what the ministry spokesman did not know. – For example, I found out that there was such a thing as a visa scandal on the last Friday of August, when Minister Wawrzyk was dismissed and articles appeared in the press – said the former spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Referring to the issue of the announcement that Wawrzyk had lost his position due to Jasin’s “unsatisfactory” cooperation, he stated that “nobody in the ministry who knew Wawrzyk believed this announcement from the very beginning.”

When asked whether Minister Rau knew about the visa scandal, Yasina emphasized that he was the head of the ministry and was responsible for what was happening there. – Of course, there can always be a situation where you don’t know something; that something is not delivered in Poland. We are a sometimes “dictated” country, but logically: yes. But I don’t know what it was like, he admitted.

Łukasz Jasina: Poland is sometimes a “dictated” country

– This is my guess, but perhaps Minister Rau did not consider that an issue might appear in the media and therefore I do not need to be privy to it – said the former spokesman for the Ministry of Diplomacy.

The story of Edgar K., Wawrzyk’s co-worker, was also mentioned, who was charged with paid protection in April 2023 and was arrested. – I didn’t even know who Edgar K. I learned about his existence in May, without any context, from my deputy director, who was conducting the opening meeting of the Visa Services Center in Kielce and saw there the parliamentary colleague of Prof. Wawrzyk, talking about his strange, defiant behavior. He made friends with everyone and patted everyone on the back, he reported.

Jasina: Politicians hire assistants as they want

When asked how he got so high, Yasina pointed out that “politicians get their assistants as they want.” – We have had many such careers in the history of our beautiful homeland – he added. When asked whether he believed that Minister Rau controlled what was happening in the ministry, Yasina expressed hope that this was the case. – But the impression is that it was different. Sometimes the minister controlled certain matters closely and others not, he said.

The journalist asked Yasina whether he shares the good mood of Minister Rau, who has nothing to reproach himself with regarding the visa scandal. – Perhaps I have much less to reproach myself with than Minister Rau, but I think it was not easy and I am not a person with such an enthusiastic, good feeling, even though I did not know it – he said.

– Minister Rau is not the type of person who usually has something to blame himself for. He believes very strongly in his decisions, he concluded.

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