Too large packaging discourages you from buying the product? Poles have no doubts

Too large packaging discourages you from buying the product?  Poles have no doubts

Over 80 percent of Polish consumers want the packaging of the goods purchased in the store to be adapted to the size of the product, according to the EKObarometr survey conducted by the SW Research studio in cooperation with the Akomex Group. Nearly half of respondents admit that oversized packaging often discourages them from repurchasing a product.

The website informs about the details of the EKObarometr survey. The survey shows that 43% of of Polish consumers believe that too large packaging often discourages them from purchasing the product again. Nearly 70 percent respondents claim that the use of packaging made of a single secondary material, i.e. subject to recycling, has a positive impact on the natural environment.

Who cares about oversized packaging?

Most Poles have noticed at least once that the packaging dedicated to a given product is too large. In total, as much as 82 percent. of survey participants declared that they prefer to buy goods whose packaging is adapted to the size of the product.

The authors of the study emphasize that excessively large packaging bothers Poles, regardless of age and gender, although slightly more women paid attention to this aspect (84% compared to approx. 80% among men).

– Market tendencies and trends show that companies must introduce real, pro-environmental measures as soon as possible that will reduce the waste of raw materials and translate into customer satisfaction. We recognize that there is currently a conflict between the economic aspects of packaging and its environmental impact – comments Grzegorz Łajca, President of the Management Board of the Akomex Group, quoted by

Łajca emphasizes that by optimizing packaging sizes, choosing the right grammage and type of raw material, and using more effective barrier varnishes, the amount of materials used and the waste of resources can be reduced.

– Of course, there are also arguments in favor of using larger packaging, which can be justified by functionality. It is important for manufacturers to focus on minimizing environmental impact through technological innovation and promoting biodegradable raw materials – says the president of the Akomex Group.

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