Three marriages in the new parliamentary term. Each from a different batch

Three marriages in the new parliamentary term.  Each from a different batch

The new term’s parliament will include people who have more than just party ties. We found three marriages among the three groups.

Two married couples will sit in the Sejm of the new term – one from the Civic Coalition and the other from the Confederation. In turn, a married couple of PiS politicians won one seat in the lower house and another in the Senate.

Kinga Gajewska and Arkadiusz Myrcha

Kinga Gajewska and Arkadiusz Myrcha will again sit in the Sejm of the 10th term. Both are politicians of the Civic Platform. The couple got married in 2018 and have three children – Juliusz, born in 2019, Lilianna, born in 2020, and two-year-old Amadeusz.

In these elections, Gajewska ran from second place on the Civic Coalition’s list in the so-called Obwarzanek near Warsaw. 85,283 people voted for her there, which made her achieve the best result and overtook the first on the list PO spokesman Jan Grabiec.

In turn, Myrcha was number one on the KO list in his hometown Toruń. He was supported by 64,452 voters there, which also gave him first place among the candidates of this committee in the district.

Karina and Krzysztof Bosak

This term, Karina and Krzysztof Bosak, a married couple since 2020, will also sit on the Sejm benches. In the same year, their first son Artur Maksymilian was born, and two years later their second son – Daniel Ksawery. The couple is currently expecting their third child.

Krzysztof Bosak was an MP for the first time in 2005-2007 as a politician of the League of Polish Families, and in 2019 he returned to Wiejska after over 10 years as a representative of the Confederation.

In this year’s elections, he ran as “number one” on the Confederation’s list in Białystok, where he won 44,902 votes. In turn, his wife will make her debut in parliament. Karina Bosak won the seat from second place on the Confederation’s list in the so-called Obwarzanek near Warsaw, where 21,217 people voted for it. Her entry into the Sejm is a sensation – she won over twice as many votes as one of the leading politicians of this party, Janusz Korwin-Mikke, and deprived him of his mandate. This was achieved even though the candidate significantly limited her campaign due to her advanced pregnancy.

Anna and Jacek Bogucki

There will also be family connections in the ranks of Law and Justice. Anna Bogucka became a senator in district no. 61, covering the counties of Bielsko, Hajnówka, Siemiatycze and Wysokie Mazowiecki, winning 46,935 votes. Interestingly, in the previous term, the senatorial seat from this district was held by her husband, Jacek Bogucki.

This time, however, the politician ran for the Sejm from the second place on the Podlasie PiS list and won the seat. 12,032 voters voted for Bogucki.

Father and son in parliament

Two Brejzas will also sit in parliament. Krzysztof Brejza is one of the most recognizable PO politicians. In 2019, after three terms in the Sejm, he was elected to the Senate. This year, however, he returns to the Sejm, and his father, Ryszard Brejza, will take his place in the Senate.

Krzysztof Brejza ran from third place on the KO list and achieved the best result among the candidates of this committee – 89,840 people voted for him. In turn, the long-time president of Inowrocław, Ryszard Brejza, obtained 90,083 votes in the Senate elections, i.e. 44.06%.

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