They booked 51 cruises in a row. They decided it was cheaper than a retirement home in retirement

They booked 51 cruises in a row.  They decided it was cheaper than a retirement home in retirement

A retired couple from Australia decided that a retirement home was a much higher expense than traveling. That’s why they booked 51 ferry trips in a row and spent almost 500 days at sea.

This story is very loud in the tourism industry. All because it proves that age is just a number and it is never too late to make your dreams come true. A couple of retired Australians prove this. Instead of paying for a retirement home, they decided to use the money in other ways. They bought… 51 cruises in a row and started traveling. The whole world is talking about their adventures.

Instead of paying for a retirement home, they went on a cruise

Marty and Jess Ansen of Brisbane are retired. However, this does not prevent them from pursuing their passions. Instead of resting peacefully at home, they travel around the world by ship. So far, they have already booked 51 cruises. Why did you decide to spend several hundred days at sea? They both agreed that paying for a retirement home would cost them more.

The couple went on their first cruise on June 16, 2022 – after two long years of strict restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia. So far, they have booked a total of 51 trips and they do not intend to stop there.

The retirees stayed on board the Coral Princess – a unique ship that can accommodate 2,000 passengers – for over 450 days. That’s longer than most of the crew, including the captains. In total, they expect to stay on board for… two years.

“At one point I told my agent, ‘Listen, whatever comes, just book it,’” Marty told the media.

The couple say it’s cheaper to fly around the world for two years than to pay for a retirement home.

“It’s our lifestyle,” adds Jess.

The couple previously enjoyed traveling by ship. This helped them decide to swim “full time”. The advantage of this lifestyle is that there is always something going on – from dancing to dinner, to the arrival of the maid with whom you can have a word while she starts cleaning the room.

“You have lots of activities during the day,” says the Australian, who loves ballroom dancing. In turn, her husband made lifelong friends on the ship. They are deeply immersed in this way of life and cannot imagine any other way.

“Now we have to stay on board to survive,” Marty joked.

The crew became their family

This funny couple at some point became an inseparable element of the on-board family. Even those who dropped in on a single cruise have heard of this traveling couple and want to say hello.

“Everyone knows them on the ship, they’re basically celebrities on board,” said the ship’s hotel manager, Ren van Rooyen.

Their star status will last another eight months before the pair disembark. But this will not be the end of their journey around the world. Next year, they plan to hop aboard the line’s even larger Crown Princess ship. And they want to spend another year here.

As for the Aussie family, the couple has been spotted stopping at ports near their members’ homes.

What do you think about it?

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