There will be support for the purchase of heat pumps. One group will be particularly happy
A new support program for the purchase of heat pumps will appear in the fall – informs Households that cannot currently count on funding under the “Clean Air” or “My Heat” programs will benefit.
As we wrote recently, more and more households are giving up the so-called smoke and switches to heat pumps. This is the result of, on the one hand, an increase in coal prices and, on the other hand, the possibility of obtaining funding for the purchase of the device.
Owners of new homes have such opportunities under the “Moje Ciepło” program launched in May. The subsidy amount here ranges from 30 to 45 percent. value of the project, but not more than PLN 21,000. zloty. Owners of existing buildings can benefit from the “Clean Air” program, which has been operating for several years. In this case, you can count on a maximum of PLN 69,000. PLN subsidy.
Who is the new program for?
However, owners of existing buildings with other heating sources have a problem. None of the above-mentioned programs is addressed to them (under the Clean Air program, you can receive a subsidy only in the case of replacing the so-called smokestacks). However, according to, the Ministry of Climate and Environment together with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management are working on a support system for this group.
– Taking into account the current geopolitical conditions, including a number of challenges regarding the energy market and the needs and potential for the development of renewable energy in Poland, the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management together with the Ministry of Environmental Protection are working on another program supporting the transition of Polish families to more ecological and economic solutions based on heat pumps – informs the website of the Ministry of Climate and Environment.
The new program – according to the ministry – is to be complementary to the offer of the “Clean Air” program and the opportunities offered by the “My Heat” program. – Analyzes and programming of the new project are currently underway – its details should be known in the fall – adds the ministry.
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