The end of Trzaskowski’s dreams of the presidency? “There is a belief that Tusk will not choose Rafał”

The end of Trzaskowski's dreams of the presidency?  "There is a belief that Tusk will not choose Rafał"

The last few months have not been the best political time for Rafał Trzaskowski. The Civic Platform is starting to talk about another presidential candidate. – Today, there is a belief that Tusk will not choose Rafał – says the opposition politician.

– Today, Rafał no longer holds one of the most important positions in our camp. It is no longer a point of reference for young people in PO, says our interlocutor from the opposition. He adds that his activity has decreased: – Rafał has no way of breaking through with the media’s message, because everyone will focus around the government.

In his opinion, Donald Tusk does not intend to field Rafał Trzaskowski in the presidential elections.

– Donald has a good opportunity to simultaneously get rid of an internal rival in the party and show unity in the ruling coalition. Today, we are starting to lean towards Szymon Hołownia’s candidacy in the presidential elections, says the opposition politician.

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