Tension between PiS politicians and a TVN journalist. “You can create an alternative reality for yourself”

Tension between PiS politicians and a TVN journalist.  "You can create an alternative reality for yourself"

During a conference of United Right politicians, there was a verbal altercation with a TVN journalist. The dispute concerned issues related to migration.

On Friday, September 8, a press conference was held by the spokesman for Law and Justice, Rafał Bochenek, and Jacek Ozdoba, MP from Sovereign Poland and deputy minister of climate and environment.

Note from the archives of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister from 2011.

The conference concerned the recently revealed note from the archives of the Prime Minister’s Office, which caused a wave of outrage in our country.

This is a document from 2011, which shows that the then Prime Minister Donald Tusk was to consult with the then German Chancellor Angela Merkel on the issue of raising the retirement age in Poland.

– In an independent country, matters concerning all of us (…) were consulted not with Poles, but with the German Chancellor. This is an absolutely scandalous situation (…) That is why the referendum question is so important. And in the light of (…) these documents from the Chancellery of the Prime Minister from 2011, this is an absolutely key issue (…) Tusk calls Merkel for what? To get consent? Under the thumb of the Berlin decision, should we increase the retirement age? This was Donald Tusk’s philosophy (…) So who decides? Warsaw, i.e. Poles, or Berlin? – commented MP Ozdoba.

“Referendum on forced relocation”

After the conference, a question was asked by a TVN journalist regarding another referendum question, which concerns the mandatory relocation of illegal migrants pushed by the European Commission.

– What is the point of organizing a referendum on immigrants if the Law and Justice government has opened the borders to them? For thousands. And he didn’t ask anyone, the journalist asked.

A PiS spokesman said that “this is absolutely untrue.” He then explained that illegal migration and issuing temporary work permits to migrants are two separate phenomena.

– And interestingly, if you follow the world media, French President Emmanuel Macron also announced his initiative in this regard. The majority of French people also, like Poland, want to have their say in the referendum. regarding illegal immigration. Because there is a problem with illegal immigrants coming to Europe. The referendum concerns forced relocation proposed by the European Union. We do not agree to this policy, Bochenek replied.

“You opened the door wide”

These words did not convince the journalist. – But you yourselves opened the door wide. Well, a contract has just been signed with a special Indian company for such a service, visa issuance services – continued the journalist.

– Let’s distinguish two things. We are talking about temporary workers who come here (…) There are, of course, foreign workers who come to Poland, but they come temporarily, for the duration of their work. After it ends, they return to their homelands, Bochenek explained. “You don’t know if they’re coming back,” he replied.

A verbal altercation ensued, during which the journalist stated, among other things, that migrants come to Poland “temporarily or not, and at the same time, in your propaganda clips and statements, you scare these people.” He asked what the difference was between legal migrants and illegal ones.

– They are very often smuggled in by various smuggling rings. Two, very often they arrive (…) with counterfeit documents. It is often difficult to tell where they come from, what connections they have (…) This is the fundamental difference (…) Each country has the right to decide independently who it will accept – added Bochenek.

“You can create an alternative reality for yourself”

However, the heated discussion continued. Bochenek accused the journalist of “already coming with a thesis.” At some point, an MP from Sovereign Poland joined in the exchange of opinions.

– If you went to Malmoe or Paris and asked the same question, which government was right about migration. I think you will get this answer. You know perfectly well that Poles feel safe because the United Right government consistently ensures that there are no illegal immigrants here. And you can create an alternative reality for yourself, said Ozdoba.

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