Still can’t concentrate? Stop ignoring it and you will improve the quality of your life

Still can't concentrate?  Stop ignoring it and you will improve the quality of your life

Difficulty concentrating may result from fatigue, too many responsibilities or too little sleep. However, it is also a symptom of a disorder that can make life difficult and significantly reduce its comfort. Therefore, you should not ignore this symptom. If it accompanies you constantly, it is worth seeking help from a specialist.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, causes a person to experience a variety of problematic behaviors. It is one of the most common disorders in children and is commonly associated mainly with this age group. However, this view is incorrect because adults also suffer from it. This disorder begins in childhood and can last throughout life. ADHD therapy is a way to improve the functioning of people with this disorder in various areas of their lives. One of the methods is also the implementation of pharmacotherapy.

Difficulty concentrating as a symptom of ADHD in adults

ADHD is a disorder that is often associated with children, but it can also affect adults – ADHD in adults is more common than people think. One of the symptoms of ADHD in adults is difficulty maintaining concentration and, consequently, frequent distraction. It is also accompanied by excessive activity and impulsivity.

However, in many people this disorder is not diagnosed, which means that appropriate treatment is not implemented to improve their quality of life. This, in turn, can lead to difficulties in everyday life, work and personal relationships.

Symptoms of ADHD in adults also include:

  • difficulties with proper organization,

  • the need for constant change,

  • tendency to be late,

  • tendency to get bored,

  • difficulty making decisions,

  • mood swings and sudden outbursts of anger,

  • the need for constant change.

Problems related to ADHD symptoms may lead to lower performance during education and work, which in turn may translate into a lower financial status of such people despite a high IQ.

When should you consider a diagnosis of ADHD in an adult?

A visit to a specialist and a possible diagnosis of ADHD should be considered by people who, among others:

  • remember that in childhood they had problems with learning, concentration and impulsivity,

  • provoke activities that provide them with intense experiences (stimulants, gambling),

  • have difficulty completing activities they have started (and do not use their full potential),

  • they are often impatient,

  • have severe mood swings,

  • experience difficulties in education (but also in adapting to new situations and changes),

  • notice a state of constant and increased activity (for example, in the form of restlessness or inability to sit still during meetings),

  • act very rashly (e.g. spending money impulsively, starting new activities),

  • they tend to interrupt conversations (but also other activities).

How is ADHD diagnosed in adults?

Diagnosing ADHD usually requires several visits to a psychiatrist. The diagnosis should be based on:

  • A thorough interview conducted by a doctor – it should concern the course of individual development stages, but also analyze current symptoms, disorders and difficulties in everyday functioning.

  • Reliable assessment of symptoms experienced in childhood (for example, the patient’s parents can provide such relevant information).

The doctor also tests for co-occurring mental disorders and neurodevelopmental disorders. The use of psychological, neurobiological and neuropsychological tests may also be helpful.

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