Science in the service of humanity. Quiz with Polish scientists who changed the world

Science in the service of humanity.  Quiz with Polish scientists who changed the world

“Science in the service of humanity” – this is the motto of the series “Science is a Polish speciality. Great figures of Polish science” for May. This month, in our articles, we focused on the discoveries and achievements of Polish scientists that changed the face of the world. Take our quiz to see how much you know about them!

Polish scientists have many achievements to their credit that have changed the face of the world and saved the lives of thousands, if not millions of lives. Some of them also formed the basis of various industries or revolutionized them. And that is why May in our series “Science is a Polish specialty” passed under the slogan “Science in the service of humanity”, and we recalled the activities of Polish scientists that influenced the whole world.

Quiz with Polish scientists who changed the world

Under this link you will find all our articles and materials published in May, dedicated to Polish scientists whose achievements changed the world. The activities of such scientists, engineers, explorers and inventors as Nicolaus Copernicus, Maria Skłodowska-Curie, Jan Czochralski, Ernest Malinowski, Rudolf Weigl, Ignacy Łukasiewicz and many others have significantly contributed to humanity.

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