Pregnant Małgorzata Tomaszewska had an accident in “Pytanie na Śniadanie”. “Everyone Froze”

Małgorzata Tomaszewska had an accident on the set of “Pytanie na Śniadanie” and could not continue the program. The journalist is currently pregnant with her second child.
34-year-old Małgorzata Tomaszewska announced in August 2023 that she was pregnant again. She had her first child, a son, Enzo, in 2017 from her relationship with her second husband, Ahmet Seyfi Yigit Tarci. The couple divorced in 2022.
The daughter of goalkeeper Jan Tomaszewski and table tennis player Katarzyna Calińska-Tomaszewska decided to disappear from “The Voice of Poland” due to her pregnancy, but she did not stop working on the set of “Pytanie na Śniadanie” on TVP.
Pregnant Małgorzata Tomaszewska collapsed in “Pytanie na Śniadanie”
It turns out that the journalist recently had an accident on the set of Telewizja Polska’s breakfast program. As Tomaszewska herself said, she tripped and fell when she was going to another part of the studio to talk to the guests.
– We’re moving from the couches to the expert corner and I didn’t notice the platform. (…) Somehow I didn’t notice and when I fell, luckily not on my stomach but on my butt. The fall didn’t hurt me, but I spilled my tea spectacularly on myself. Everyone froze on the set. Olek (Sikora – editor’s note) went to the conversation alone. (…) I was a little stressed about what happened – she emphasized in an interview with “Świat Gwiazd”.
Right after the accident, Tomaszewska went for a medical examination to check if nothing had happened to her child. She admits that she didn’t feel that anything was wrong, but she warned that a fall during pregnancy is always “alarming and stressful.”
Małgorzata Tomaszewska’s journalistic career
Małgorzata Tomaszewska has been working at Telewizja Polska since 2018. However, she made her debut as a journalist in 2012 on Sportklub television. In the years 2014-2016 she was a weather forecaster for Polsat.
At TVP, and specifically at “PnŚ” itself, she initially dealt with culture and show business. In May 2019, she became one of the hosts of the program. She was also involved in such formats as “New Year’s Eve of Dreams with Two”, “The Voice of Poland”, “Dance Dance Dance” and the Eurovision Song Contest for Children.