Polish women do not want to give birth “because of the abortion law”? “It’s just one element.”

Polish women do not want to give birth "because of the abortion law"?  “It's just one element.”

– See the entire beginning of 2023, there were texts on portals and in newspapers that “Polish women do not want to give birth to children.” CBOS survey: Sixty-some percent of Polish women do not want to give birth to children because of “tightening abortion law.” And a researcher who has been working on this topic for years says: “If someone directly tells you that Polish women do not want to give birth because of the abortion law, they are simply lying” – noted Justyna Dżbik-Kluge, author of the book ” Childless by choice.”

Justyna Dżbik-Kluge, journalist and author of books, in her latest book, focused on women who do not decide to become mothers.

During the conversations, the “non-mothers” themselves shared their reflections on the increasingly common phenomenon, but also, among others, a gynecologist, a psychologist who knows perfectly well the motivations of such women, but also the stories of others who, despite many in vitro attempts, have to say goodbye to the dream of motherhood, but also a demographer who has been professionally dealing with “non-motherhood” for years.

Prof. Monika Mynarska, asked by Dżbik-Kluge about why Polish women do not decide to have children, says that it cannot be defined in such a binary way. And that anyone who tries to point to any one factor may be wrong, because it is not the case that, for example, the tightening of abortion law played a key role.

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