Photovoltaic panels instead of a roof. A revolution is coming in construction

Photovoltaic panels instead of a roof.  A revolution is coming in construction

We usually install photovoltaics when the house is already finished. However, there are already quality solutions on the market that are able to combine a safe roof tile with a PV panel. In the long term, this may contribute to a revolution in modern construction.

Imagine that you are building a new house in which the main source of energy will be solar energy provided by traditional photovoltaic panels. According to the current form of construction, such a house must first be equipped with a traditional roof tile covering, which will first protect it against harmful weather conditions, and only then can you think about installing photovoltaics to supply electricity to the sockets in the house. What if you used a solution that successfully combined both of these functions?

Photovoltaics instead of a roof – time for a revolution in construction?

Perhaps a scenario titled: “traditional roof tiles first, and only then photovoltaics” will become a thing of the past. This will be made possible by modern technological solutions used in the construction industry of the (not so distant) future, such as LEO Sol panels from Aleo Solar. The innovative solution of the German manufacturer provides for a roof assembly system thanks to which individual PV panels are arranged so tightly that they can successfully function as a roof covering. This is a two-in-one solution, which also allows you to save money on separate installation of the roof and photovoltaics.

This type of solutions on the construction market are not completely new, but they still remain so niche that it is difficult to say that modern methods of installing a completely new category of photovoltaic panels are already contributing to replacing what was previously used in this type of construction. has been operating successfully for years. However, thanks to technologically refined solutions that ensure appropriate simplicity of installation, sufficient tightness and convenient maintenance, this may change in the coming years, and a small revolution may soon occur in the field of photovoltaics in construction.

Especially since, in addition to the mentioned German company, a Chinese manufacturer known for a series of award-winning products called DAH Solar also wants to implement similar solutions on a mass scale. According to experts, the first assembly kits in line with the “photovoltaics instead of a roof” philosophy have a chance of reaching consumers’ awareness this winter.

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