NIK initiated an audit of the Justice Fund. When are the results? A date has been set

NIK initiated an audit of the Justice Fund. In an interview with the Polish Press Agency, the spokesman of the authority announced when NIK employees will appear in the MS building.
The president of the Supreme Audit Office, Marian Banaś, said on Friday in an interview with Onet that the body will take another look at the FS on May 27. An inspection was already carried out there in the past, which lasted from June 2020 to May 2021. In September 2021, the results were presented. The report negatively assessed the actions of the then Minister of Justice.
When are the results of the next inspection? The Supreme Audit Office spokesman indicated the approximate date
In an interview with PAP, Marcin Marjański informed that the inspection of the fund formally began at the beginning of the last week of May. NIK employees are scheduled to visit the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice on May 29. The inspection is to last until November 2024 (about half a year). As the president of the Supreme Audit Office previously informed Onet, the auditors will cooperate with the National Tax Administration and the prosecutor's office during this time. When will the final report be published? Most likely at the beginning of 2025 – we read in the PAP article.
The Justice Fund, established in 2012, was intended to help crime victims and rehabilitated prisoners who are free. However, in 2017, the rules were modified and the purposes for which funds could be allocated were extended. In the past, the Chamber pointed out a number of irregularities regarding the Fund, including “a blatant conflict of interest and corruption mechanisms.”
Last week, the director of the Justice Fund Department, Tomasz Mraz, testified before the FS committee. As he said, the preferred entities that ministers Zbigniew Ziobro and Marcin Romanowski cared about were to be informed about the terms of the competition before it was announced. In addition, these entities were to receive assistance in preparing the offer, and when they won, they received PLN 10 million each.
Romanowski on Mraz's testimony: Confabulations and insinuations
– Minister Ziobro – despite what he said in one television interview, that he did not make any decisions and had nothing to do with the Justice Fund – was in fact the main decision-maker – testified the former director of the FS.
MP Romanowski recently commented on the issue related to the fund's activities. He described the allegations made by Mraz at the meeting of the Law and Justice settlement team as “absurd.” – These are his confabulations and insinuations, not facts, and the recordings published in the media (it is worth adding here that Mraz was supposed to record the then management of the Ministry of Justice, and the materials are about 50 hours long – as the Onet portal reported last week – ed.) are manipulation supported by a ready-made false narrative – he noted in an interview with – The facts are that the Minister of Justice, as the administrator of the Fund, had to set goals and decide what competitions would be organized to meet these goals – he said.
– If, due to the growing crime against believers and churches, it was decided to announce a competition for projects related to the protection of religious freedom and the fight against Christianophobia, the criteria were selected so that funding could not be granted to an organization that is openly Christianophobic – he explained.
The leader of Sovereign Poland explains what the SF money was for
A few days ago, the leader of Sovereign Poland – MEP Patryk Jaki – also commented on the matter on Radio ZET. When asked whether Sovereign Poland would sue Mraz, Giertych and Tusk, he said that “it is obvious.”
To the accusation of Confederation politician Stanisław Tyszka, who stated that there was no doubt that the fund's money was stolen and used for strictly party purposes (as he confessed in an interview with Radio ZET – he himself had received “lucrative offers” from the people managing the fund), he replied that it sounds as if these funds went into the pockets of SP politicians, “to their private accounts”. – Meanwhile, the largest part of these funds went to the fire brigade – he said in an interview with “Zetka”.