New PiS spot. “Another anniversary of the displays of Tusk’s support on the Polish-Belarusian border”
– Don’t delude yourself that PO politicians will care about your safety. If they come back to power, they will dismantle the barrier. We will not allow them to do this, says the head of the Ministry of National Defense, Mariusz Błaszczak, in a new PiS spot.
On Wednesday morning, Law and Justice published a spot with the participation of Minister of National Defense Mariusz Błaszczak on “another anniversary of the displays of Tusk’s support on the Polish-Belarusian border in Usnarze Górny.”
The ruling party encourages them to participate in the referendum, which will take place on election day, October 15. The third question concerns the elimination of the barrier on the Polish-Belarusian border, and the fourth “the admission of thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa.”
Błaszczak: Two years ago, a hybrid attack on Poland began
– Two years ago, a hybrid attack on Poland was launched, directed by the Putin and Lukashenko regimes. Today, no one has any doubts that the aim was to destabilize the situation in Poland, says Błaszczak in the recording. The Minister of Defense argues that “the Law and Justice government has been consistently ensuring the security of our border from the very beginning.”
– We have built a barrier that stops illegal migrants. The border is defended by soldiers, Border Guard officers and policemen – he enumerates. Błaszczak points out that the services “expose themselves to danger from migrants and Belarusian services, but also to insults from opposition politicians and celebrities associated with them.”
“What was the opposition doing?”
– Today the border is safe. And what did the opposition do? They organized rallies with promotional bags. They organized happenings. Instead of defending soldiers and officers, they insulted them and sided with illegal migrants. And they announced the elimination of the barrier, says Błaszczak.
Then, the spot quoted fragments of statements by Władysław Frasyniuk, Donald Tusk and Janina Ochojska regarding the crisis at the border and the activities of the services. – Don’t delude yourself that PO politicians will care about your safety. If they come back to power, they will dismantle the barrier. We will not allow them to do this, says the Minister of Defense.