Mission: weight loss. A dietitian advises how to lose 5 kilograms in 30 days

Losing 5 kg in 30 days is not an easy task. Everyone who has ever tried to get rid of unwanted centimeters knows this. The expert reveals a few simple rules. Following them, she believes, will allow you to “lose” 5 kilograms in just over four weeks. Check how to do it.
Losing weight is a process that requires patience and systematic action. There is no magic wand that will give us a “wasp waist” overnight. Believing in miracle diets that will bring spectacular results in an extremely short time, with virtually no effort, may turn out to be fraught with consequences. Giving in to such beliefs usually does more harm than good and can be very dangerous. It often leads to serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, for example hormonal or metabolic disorders, and thus increases the risk of developing many diseases (due to mineral deficiency and reduced immunity).
How to lose 5 kg in 30 days? Dietitian advises
Ania Zientalska is a clinical dietitian who shares advice on social media, including: on how to lose 5 kilograms in 30 days. It tells you what to do to lose weight based on the yo-yo effect, i.e. subsequent weight gain. Here are some useful tips:
follow a low-carbohydrate diet – remember about the appropriate proportions of individual macronutrients (30% protein, 40% fat, 30% carbohydrates),
pay attention to the quality of macronutrients – the sources of carbohydrates should primarily be: vegetables, fruits, groats, various types of rice and whole grain products,
ensure proper hydration of the body – drink 6-8 glasses of non-carbonated “pure” water during the day,
compose individual meals appropriately – vegetables should constitute half of the plate volume, and the remaining part should be meat or fish (120-150 grams), groats or rice (30-40 grams) and healthy fats (e.g. one tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil),
if you feel like a snack, reach for vegetables or fruits rich in fiber – they provide a feeling of satiety while providing few calories (e.g. carrots, peppers, beets, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, apples, bananas, dried plums),
give up drinks with added sugar, sweeteners or various types of syrups – choose bitter coffee without milk, bitter tea (if you have to reach for something sweet, choose natural sources of sweetness, for example fruit),
remember to exercise daily – for example, a longer walk (4-5 kilometers),
always have prepared meals at hand and take them with you (for example to school, university or work) so that when it’s time to eat, you don’t have to eat fast food.
The dietitian also pays attention to regular eating. Starving yourself or drastically reducing your calorie intake are very bad ideas. They may have the opposite effect than intended. The breaks between individual meals should not be too long. The optimal time is 3-4 hours and no more than 5 hours. Moreover, you should exercise moderation and do not eat “in stock”. It is important to remember that even healthy products, consumed in excess, may contribute to weight gain.