Mayor of Lviv to Poles: Your gigantic contribution to Ukraine’s victory is being eliminated

Mayor of Lviv to Poles: Your gigantic contribution to Ukraine's victory is being eliminated

The mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadowy, decided to comment on the protest on the Polish-Ukrainian border that has been going on for weeks. In his opinion, it brings losses to both sides.

Polish carriers have been protesting since November 6, blocking the border crossings with Ukraine. They oppose the current rules for the operation of Ukrainian transport companies in our country and demand the restoration of mandatory permits for drivers from beyond our eastern border. They also want to inspect Ukrainian transport companies established after the outbreak of the war and suspend their licenses until then.

The blockade of the Polish-Ukrainian border continues

Due to the lack of understanding of Polish demands, on Thursday, November 23, drivers began blocking another border crossing with Ukraine, this time in Medyka. The dispute also spread to another group, as farmers joined the drivers. They demand subsidies for corn and a lower agricultural tax.

Ukrainians emphasize that continuing the blockade is a big problem for them, especially in the conditions of the war that has been going on for almost two years. – When we have a situation where these tankers have been waiting in queues for over a month, it creates a lot of tension, pressure and a big problem for our energy systems – explained Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure Serhiy Derkach over the weekend.

Mayor of Lviv: Our Polish friends should return to reality

On Saturday, November 25, the mayor of Lviv, Andriy Sadowy, also commented on the matter. His message caused quite a stir because he addressed key issues. “Our Polish friends should come back to reality,” he began his comment.

“Your entire gigantic contribution to Ukraine’s victory is being wiped out by a marginal group that is blocking deliveries of humanitarian goods to a country that is defending its independence and the security of Europe for a second year,” he pointed out.

In his opinion, the price of the entire protest is “too high.” “Does Poland have the courage, political will and civic tools to end this shameful blockade of Ukraine?” – he asked via the X platform (Twitter).

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