Massive explosion at a Russian factory. There, work was underway on a new generation bomber

Massive explosion at a Russian factory.  There, work was underway on a new generation bomber

The Zagorskie Optical-Mechanical Plant, where a powerful explosion took place on Wednesday, was of strategic importance for the Russian army. The factory was involved in the development of a new generation bomber.

On Wednesday in Zagorskie Zakłady Optyczno-Mechaniczne w Sergiev Posad there was a powerful explosion in the Moscow region. Photos and videos of it were posted on social media clouds of thick smoke rising over the city.

According to Russian authorities 43 people were injured in the blast. Four buildings have been completely destroyed and 20 more are damaged.

An explosion at a factory producing for the Russian army

The governor of the Moscow region, Andrei Vorobyov, tried to downplay the importance of the plant where the explosion took place, arguing that he had been occupying However, according to the Russian service Agentstvo, the public procurement records show that “the company not only continues to supply optical instruments to the Russian security forces, but since 2019 it has been involved in the development program of the next-generation Russian strategic bomber “Messenger”.

According to the site, information about state contracts concluded by the plants ceased to be published almost immediately after the start of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, but contracts concluded earlier are still available. Among them, there is an order for “implementation of development works” with the code “Posłaniec-1OEP/L”. The agreement is valid until 2027 and amounts to 69 million rubles.

The work was commissioned by the Russian Screen Research Institute based in Samara, which deals with, among others, development work on equipment for the Russian military aviation. The main contractor for the project is the Tupolev aviation company, and the Russian Ministry of Defense is the client.

The machine is scheduled to enter service in 2027

“Ukrainian Truth” reminds that “Messenger” is a long-range bomber, in which technologies and materials that reduce the detectability of the object (stealth technology) are to be widely used. The machine is to be capable of carrying strategic cruise missiles, precision air bombs and hypersonic weapons. It is also to be equipped with the most modern means of communication and electronic warfare.

In 2019, the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Alexei Krivoruchko, announced that the “Messenger” was to enter service by 2027.

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