Marianna Schreiber defends Agata Duda. This happened to former first ladies
Marianna Schreiber defended first lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda. – Describing the president as silent is quite funny to me – said the activist and wife of the minister.
Since Andrzej Duda became president in 2015, his wife Agata Kornhauser-Duda has consistently avoided contacts with the media and has not spoken publicly. The first lady was criticized many times for this.
The silent Agata Kornhauser-Duda
Recently, her attitude was negatively assessed by her predecessor, Jolanta Kwaśniewska. – I simply don’t understand such situationsbecause the number of pro-women projects in which I participated was really huge and is still the most important – said Jolanta Kwaśniewska in a conversation with journalist Magda Mołek, referring to the fact that Agata Duda does not speak out on matters relating to women’s problems.
In turn, one of the hosts of “Szkło kontaktowe” on TVN24, Katarzyna Kasia, revealed that she had repeatedly invited Agata Duda for an interview, but was always refused.
Marianna Schreiber defends the first lady
Marianna Schreiber, the wife of a minister in the PiS government, Łukasz Schreiber, who in recent years has tried to make a name for herself first in show business and then in politics, came to the defense of the first lady. The activist said in an interview with “Plotek” that she is “not surprised at all” that Agata Duda refuses to give interviews to TVN24, a “station that has repeatedly ‘attacked’ her through the statements of its guests or the journalists themselves.”
– I would have behaved exactly the same, regardless of what station it was. So far, I have not given interviews to journalists (those from leading newspapers) who treated me in a humiliating and unprofessional manner in the media, she said.
Komorowska and Wałęsa got hit
Marianna Schreiber also said that “describing the president as silent” is “quite ridiculous” for her.
– I may not look that old, but I’m getting older, so I remember the times not only of Mrs. Komorowska, who was in the complete shadow of her husband, but also of Mrs. President Wałęsa – said the activist.