It’s time for the parliamentary elections. Andrzej Duda posted a meaningful entry

It's time for the parliamentary elections.  Andrzej Duda posted a meaningful entry

Andrzej Duda made a decision on the date of the parliamentary elections in Poland. The president posted a post on social media in which he addressed the citizens.

By decision of August 8, 2023, the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda, ordered elections to the Sejm of the Republic of Poland and the Senate of the Republic of Poland. Elections will take place on Sunday, October 15.

Parliamentary elections 2023. Andrzej Duda posted a meaningful entry

The president posted a pro-turnout entry on social media. “Take part in the elections!!! Guided by the content of the positive opinion of the National Electoral Commission just received regarding the proposed date of elections to the Sejm and Senate, I decided to order these elections for October 15, 2023. The future of Poland is a matter for each of us! Use your rights!” – wrote Andrzej Duda, appealing to citizens to actively participate in the elections.

The date of the parliamentary elections has been speculated for weeks. – Since the TVN24 report on John Paul II, we have not changed our minds about the election date. We are planning for October 15th. We will not move them because of Tusk’s march, said a politician from Jarosław Kaczyński’s entourage in an interview with Joanna Miziołek, a journalist from “Wprost”. Let us remind you that after the media storm in connection with the broadcast of the report “Franciszkańska 3”, there were suggestions that the parliamentary elections could be organized around the Papal Day.

Election calendar. What do you need to know?

According to, by August 28, the National Electoral Commission must be informed about the creation of an election committee or a coalition election committee. The deadline for establishing district electoral commissions expires on the same day.

The deadline for submitting lists of candidates for deputies and senators expires on September 6 at 6 p.m. 4:00 p.m. Precinct electoral commissions will be appointed by September 25. From September 30 to October 13, free broadcasting of election programs prepared by election committees will take place in the programs of public radio and television broadcasters. On October 13, at midnight, the election campaign will end.

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