Belarus warns “brother Poles”. “Take your time to experience it for yourself”

Belarus warns "brother Poles".  "Take your time to experience it for yourself"

On the third anniversary of illegal elections in Belarus, an appeal to the Polish nation was accepted at a meeting of the headquarters of the Patriotic Forces of the Republic of Belarus. There was a disturbing record in it.

In recent months, the accusations of Alexander Lukashenko against Poland have intensified. The Belarusian dictator uses, among others, lies about our military’s alleged plans to attack western Ukraine. Another argument put forward by the self-appointed president is the question of the revolution that would take place in Belarus, depending on the success of the Ukrainian counter-offensive. In this also – as he falsely claims – Poles would have their share.

Surprising appeal of Belarusians. “Brothers Poles!”

Meanwhile, the migration crisis on the Polish-Belarusian border continues. Currently, the activities of the Border Guard are supported by about 2,000 soldiers. Due to the growing tension, at the request of the Chief Commander of the Border Guard, the Ministry of National Defense will send additional forces. On Wednesday, it turned out that it will be twice as many military personnel as originally provided by Mariusz Błaszczak.

On the third anniversary of illegal elections in Belarus, the foreign ministers of Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland issued a joint statement. “In this extremely painful moment in the history of Belarus, we continue to support its people,” they assured. On the same day, at a meeting of the headquarters of the Patriotic Forces of the Republic of Belarus, an appeal to the Polish nation was accepted, the Bielta agency reported.

Belarus appeals to Poland: Your politicians are igniting the fire of war

The text of the appeal was read out by the general director of the National Library of Belarus, political scientist Vadim Gigin. “Brothers Poles! Our fate is such that we live side by side. Hundreds of years of history unite the Belarusian and Polish nations. Various things happened during that time. There were many claims,” the appeal reads.

In its further part, it was reminded that many great figures of Polish culture were born on their land. However, it was stipulated that Belarusians are a “large, proud and independent Slavic nation”. We have our own glorious traditions.

Accusations followed. “Your politicians, in a frenzy of chauvinism, are igniting the fire of war with their actions and rhetoric. Let’s not let our common home burn down! By nature, Belarusians are calm, peaceful and hardworking people. But we won’t tolerate any masters over us! The history of the struggle of the inhabitants of Western Belarus has clearly proved it.

Belarus accuses Poland. “Know that we are determined to defend our home”

The appeal expressed the hope that Poles would be “wise enough to resist moving to armed confrontation.” “We would like to believe that you will not be intoxicated by aggressive propaganda. After all, every person, regardless of nationality, wants to live peacefully and prosperously, in peace and friendship with our neighbors.

“In case of any attack on our holy homeland, know that we are determined to defend our home, our families. History knows many examples of how Belarusians repelled the invasion from the West. Take your time to experience it for yourself. We are sure that common sense will help us overcome the current difficult period in our relations. And the time is not far away when Belarusians and Poles will again visit each other peacefully, respecting the customs of our nations,” the conclusion was drawn.

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