CPK takes over the Warsaw airport. It also has shares in other airports

Polskie Porty Lotnicze company, owner of, among others, Warsaw Chopin Airport, became part of the CPK Capital Group. The company also owns airports in Radom, Zielona Góra and shares in several others.
As Centralny Port Komunikacyjny announced on Friday, the shares of Polish Airports were transferred to the capital group. “In this way, PPL joined the CPK Capital Group, which brings together the main assets and investment processes for airport infrastructure in Poland,” we read in the release.
End of transformation
The transformation process into PPL has been completed. The CPK Group will be responsible for coordinating and obtaining financing for investment tasks related to the construction of a new transfer airport.
“The inclusion of PPL in the CPK will bring numerous positive results. Firstly, this created a strong capital group that manages the most important state airport assets. Secondly, thanks to the consolidation, the CPK Capital Group will dominate in our region of Europe. Thirdly, this move will improve the construction of the CPK infrastructure, which will ensure the continuation of the functions of Chopin Airport in a new place, in a better standard and guaranteeing an increase in the number of jobs,” said Marcin Horała, deputy minister of funds and regional policy, government plenipotentiary for the CPK.
Central Communication Port
“The contribution of PPL shares worth PLN 6.4 billion to CPK and last week’s issue of bonds for CPK worth PLN 3.6 billion by the Ministry of Finance increased its share capital to nearly PLN 11.5 billion. All newly created shares were acquired by the State Treasury. The funds from the bond issue will be used to continue preparations, design and construction of the CPK,” the statement reads.
The Central Communication Port is a planned transfer hub between Warsaw and Łódź, which is to integrate air, rail and road transport. CPK is 100 percent owned by the State Treasury.
Polish Airports (PPL) is the owner and manager of, among others, Chopin Airport in Warsaw and airports in Radom and Zielona Góra. They also have shares in most regional ports in Poland, including: in Kraków, Katowice, Gdańsk, Poznań, Wrocław and Rzeszów.