Change the world by winning the James Dyson Prize Contest!

Change the world by winning the James Dyson Prize Contest!

James Dyson encourages young people to solve the planet’s biggest problems through science, sustainable design and engineering. Only one month left until the end of the call for applications for this year’s edition of the student competition. The winners of the international final will receive PLN 160,000, and their projects will gain prestige and recognition. The winners of the national stages will receive PLN 26,500 each.

Since 2005, the organizers of the competition have motivated entrepreneurial students and fresh graduates of engineering studies to solve a variety of global problems, from environmental issues to healthcare. The winners of the previous editions of the competition created solutions in the field of plastic recycling (Plastic Scanner), diagnostics of chronic wounds (Polish SmartHEAL project)biodegradable materials (MarinaTex, AuREUS), as well as home medical diagnostics (Blue Box, HOPES).

Youth and innovation as a recipe for global problems

So far, the authors of over 390 inventions have received cash prizes as part of the competition. What’s more, as many as 70% of the winners of the international stages commercialize their projects. Innovative ideas are needed to solve global environmental and health problems, and James Dyson believes that young people have the skills and motivation to do it.

We are looking for young engineers who try to solve serious problems in a sustainable way, e.g. using less energy and materials, and who want to change the world through their projects. Young people have ideas that can bring positive change, so they should be supported. The James Dyson Award competition makes it easier for them to achieve their goals, so I am looking forward to this year’s projects that I will be judging. Good luck! says James Dyson, founder of Dyson.

James Dyson personally selects the winners of the international stage, who gain the necessary funding and great prestige, and thus take important first steps on the road to turning their ideas into reality.

Prizes await the winners

The winners of the international stage will receive PLN 160,000, and the winners of the national stages – PLN 26,500 each for further work on the project. Media publicity is also important – the winners of the previous editions of the competition emphasize that the popularity gained thanks to the win was extremely helpful in the implementation of their further plans.

Last year, the organizers of the competition created a special platform for the winners of previous editions, which helps in commercializing their ideas. Finalists can now participate in various events, network, share experiences and support each other.

In each country and region where the competition takes place, a national prize (PLN 26,500) and two distinctions will be awarded. The winners of the national stages will be selected by an independent jury in conjunction with Dyson.

Winners of national awards will move on to the international TOP 20 best projects, and James Dyson will select the winners of the international stage of the competition from among them.

If you want to win – save the planet

The best inventions are those that solve real problems affecting the state of our planet in an understandable and intelligent way. In 2021, the award in the Sustainable Development category went to the Plastic Scanner designed by the Dutchman Jerry de Vos, a graduate of Industrial and Product Design. Plastic Scanner is a handy device that just needs to be placed on a plastic surface to find out what plastic it is made of. The invention recognizes different types of plastic by infrared, using infrared radiation at discrete frequencies. This is a new, cost-effective application of conventional infrared spectroscopy.

The frequent criticism of plastic obscures the fact that it is a durable and versatile material that plays an important role. The challenge is to reuse plastics and recycle them efficiently so they don’t end up in landfills. Proper processing of plastic requires a lot of knowledge, but Jerry has created a very effective technology that could make this knowledge available to everyone – James Dyson, founder of Dyson and its chief engineer.

Plastic Scanner is a type equipment open-source – anyone can independently assemble a printed circuit board and integrate electronics into a handy device. The open architecture allows users and experts to provide feedback and suggestions for improvement, so the project will continue to improve as recycling becomes more popular around the world.

The competition is a chance for success

Winning the James Dyson Award can generate publicity to help commercialize your invention. For example, mOm Incubators, the winner of the international stage in 2014, has recently delivered over 60 incubators of its own design to Ukraine and 2 other countries, including the UK. The company estimates that the devices have helped over 1,000 babies so far, and its representatives emphasize: “We wouldn’t have achieved this if it wasn’t for the James Dyson Prize Competition”.

Last year, the winner of the competition was the Polish project SmartHEAL – an intelligent dressing for the diagnosis of chronic wounds. The winners of the James Dyson Prize 2022 competition received PLN 162,000 for further development of their idea. Thanks to this win, students of the Warsaw University of Technology will be able to develop and improve their product, which will help others.

Dan Watson, founder of SafetyNet Technologies, won the international finals in 2012. SafetyNet is a special illumination of fishing nets, thanks to which fish and marine animals accidentally caught in them can break free before being caught. After winning the award, Dan founded SafetyNet Technologies, which creates innovative solutions and contributes to building a better, more sustainable fishery. In addition to high-end LED lighting, SafetyNet Technologies also produces underwater cameras and ocean sensors for the fishing industry.

Featured in the US in 2016, SoaPen, a colorful soap stick that encourages children to wash their hands thoroughly, has been successfully launched and its creators starred in the US version of Dragons’ Den. SoaPen has already sold more than 60,000 products across the United States, and its range is constantly expanding with new colors being introduced, as well as a body soap stick.

Visit to learn more and submit your project.

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