Central Statistical Office: Nearly 70 percent foreigners working in Poland are Ukrainians
Almost one million foreigners work in Poland. According to the latest data from the Central Statistical Office, as many as 70 percent of them are citizens of Ukraine.
We know how many foreigners work in Poland. The Central Statistical Office released the latest data, which may be surprising in terms of proportions.
Ukrainians working in Poland
The number of foreigners working in Poland was 999 thousand, including 691.6 thousand. are Ukrainians, as of August 31, 2023, reported the Central Statistical Office in experimental work.
“At the end of August 2023, there were 999,000 foreigners working. This number includes 393.5 thousand. were foreigners implementing civil law contracts. (…) The share of foreigners working in Poland in the total number of people working in Poland increased by 1.3 percentage points compared to January 2022.” – we read in the announcement.
Foreigners working in Poland. Men predominate
In the analyzed population of foreigners, the majority were men, their share decreased from 64.7%. at the end of January 2022 to 59.3 percent. at the end of August 2023, it was also announced.
“The largest group of foreigners working in Poland were citizens of Ukraine, of whom there were 691.6 thousand at the end of August 2023. people. Their share in the total number of foreigners performing work decreased by 4.1 percentage points compared to January 2022. – we read further.
The presented results are part of experimental work aimed at determining the number of foreigners performing work on the basis of administrative sources. According to the definition in force in public statistics, persons performing civil law contracts are not included in those working in the national economy. However, the data presented in the experimental work concern “people performing work”, i.e. working in the national economy and people performing civil law contracts identifiable in administrative registers. Persons classified as working who also perform civil law contracts are counted only once and included in the working group. The analyzed group does not include owners, co-owners and tenants of individual farms in agriculture (including helping members of their families), as well as persons performing contracts for specific work and farmer’s helpers, explained the Office.