Can you speed up your trip to the sanatorium? See how to leave within a few days of issuing the referral
Sometimes you have to wait a really long time to go to a sanatorium. However, few people know that there is a very simple way to speed up this procedure. What exactly should you do?
Trips to a sanatorium are an opportunity to “repair” your health. Such spa treatment is a continuation of treatment that has already begun in a clinic or hospital. However, you often have to wait quite a long time for such a trip. Sometimes it is even 30 months from the date of submitting the application. It turns out that in some situations it can be sped up a bit. Moreover, some people are entitled to go to the sanatorium without queuing.
How to speed up your trip to a sanatorium?
Any person who has health insurance under the National Health Fund can apply for such a referral to a sanatorium. The waiting time until we can go to a sanatorium depends on the number of patients who are also waiting for such spa treatment in a specific branch of the National Health Fund. This is also influenced by the number of places in sanatoriums in individual voivodeships, but also by the patient's health condition and the number of cancellations from the scheduled dates of stays, i.e. the so-called returns.
A trip to a sanatorium can be accelerated by using such “returns” – terms that could not be used by other patients to whom they were originally assigned. People who want to use such phrases they must be prepared for a trip to a sanatorium in less than 14 days (the deadline is counted from the moment of confirmation of the referral to the date of commencement of treatment). Each patient can obtain information about the possibility of using this form of travel to a sanatorium at their provincial branch of the National Health Fund.
Additionally, as the National Health Fund reminds, if someone is waiting to go to a sanatorium and their health condition has changed, they should inform about it, for example by sending a completed treatment card to the National Health Fund.
Who can go to the sanatorium without queuing?
Trips to the sanatorium take place in the order in which referrals are registered. Some people also do not have to wait in line to go to a sanatorium. This is possible almost immediately in the case of, among others, beneficiaries who hold the title of “Distinguished Honorary Blood Donor” or the title of “Distinguished Transplant Donor”. Out of turn, war invalids, veterans, veterans and authorized soldiers can also go to the sanatorium.
Also check how much a private sanatorium costs. You can use this form of spa treatment without waiting in line, but the stay is fully paid. In the case of free trips, remember that co-financing for a sanatorium can be obtained not only from the National Health Fund.