A surprising comment about the PSL leader’s outfit. “A bit like Tusk’s bodyguard”

A surprising comment about the PSL leader's outfit.  "A bit like Tusk's bodyguard"

Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz heard a surprising comment from a participant of the Poland of the Future Campus. – I like you very much, but today you are dressed a bit like Donald Tusk’s bodyguard – said the participant. – I do not aspire to this role – replied the PSL leader.

On Tuesday afternoon, August 29, as part of the Poland of the Future Campus, a meeting was held with the leader of PSL, Władysław Kosiniak-Kamysz, and the leader of Poland 2050, Szymon Hołownia.

Let us recall that the parties decided to run together in the parliamentary elections as the “Third Way” coalition electoral committee. Therefore, in order to introduce their candidates to the Sejm, they must exceed the 8% threshold. votes.

“You’re dressed a bit like Donald Tusk’s bodyguard”

At the beginning of the audience question session, the PSL leader heard a surprising comment about himself. It was about the outfit of Kosiniak-Kamysz, who was wearing a white T-shirt, an unbuttoned blue shirt and gray trousers.

– First of all, a quick note, because I like you very much, but today you are dressed a bit like Donald Tusk’s bodyguard – said the young man. These words caused a burst of laughter from the audience.

– I don’t aspire to this role. But I’m not afraid of any work, said the leader of the People’s Party. – And I like it – added Hołownia.

“Third Way” on the threshold? “PiS will continue to rule”

Then the man in question asked whether the “Third Way” leaders were not afraid that they might not exceed the mentioned 8% threshold. Recent surveys indicate such a risk.

The man noted that this was the fate of the “United Left” coalition electoral committee in the 2015 elections, which ensured the United Right won a parliamentary majority.

– This is a question that has been going around for several weeks. If we do not get 8 percent, it means that PiS will continue to rule in Poland. Unfortunately, this is mathematics and politics that then come together. If we do not get a good result, there is no chance of removing those who are in power today, destroying the national community, plundering the State Treasury, emotionally and intellectually sterilize subsequent social groups, and divide neighbors, families, and all of us. They will simply continue to rule, Kosiniak-Kamysz admitted bluntly.

Hołownia: In front of Kaczyński there is a peloton with drums

The leader of Poland 2050 said that it is difficult to compete with the United Right if many opposition supporters simply doubt the electoral success of their parties.

– Sometimes I have the impression (…) that in front of Kaczyński going to the elections there is a peloton with drums – activists, commentators, opposition voters – who shout: Woe, woe, woe, Kaczyński is so strong, he will definitely win against you (… .) Well, listen, if we go to the elections with this “mental” to win against anyone, we’d better stay at home. Let’s open a textile business, let’s take up poetry for the drawer or some other things. Half of Kaczyński’s phenomenon today is the other side’s belief that he is such an extraordinary demiurge and strategist, Hołownia added.

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