A headache can be a symptom of a very serious disease. It is accompanied by 2 other symptoms
Headache is a common reason for patients to visit a doctor. Although sometimes it may be harmless, it can also indicate an extremely serious condition. Check what exactly to pay attention to.
A headache may result from dehydration or fatigue, but sometimes it is also an alarm signal. It may be a sign of, among other things, meningitis (commonly called meningitis). It is a condition that directly threatens life and health. Depending on the cause, meningitis may have different course. It most often begins with symptoms that resemble a respiratory infection.
Headache may be a symptom of meningitis
A typical symptom of meningitis is a headache. The headache in meningitis can be very intense and persistent. This is often one of the first symptoms of this disease, but it is accompanied by a number of other ailments, such as fever or stiff neck (you cannot touch your chest with your chin when sitting). It is these symptoms that you should be very vigilant about and under no circumstances should you ignore them. It is very important to quickly diagnose meningitis and implement appropriate treatment. If you experience symptoms that may indicate meningitis, contact your doctor as soon as possible.
Headaches can not only be bothersome, but also potentially herald more serious health problems, such as migraines, infections or even brain tumors. However, it is worth remembering that headaches can also occur due to tension, fatigue or stress, and in such cases they often disappear on their own after rest or using appropriate relaxation techniques. It is important to consciously observe your symptoms and respond to them in a way appropriate to their intensity and nature.
What are other symptoms of meningitis?
Meningitis most often begins with symptoms that resemble an infection, so it is very easy to ignore it. In addition to headache, fever (which can reach up to 40 degrees), symptoms also include photosensitivity, vomiting, chills and apathy. Muscle pain, joint pain and a feeling of general weakness may also occur. In small children, the symptoms of this disease include constant crying, drowsiness, slow movement, but also lack of appetite and body stiffness (apart from neck stiffness).
The group at risk of meningitis includes primarily infants, small children up to 5 years of age and teenagers aged 15-19. Meningitis requires urgent consultation with a doctor, who may order various types of tests, such as blood culture, cerebrospinal fluid tests, blood counts, ESR, CRP. It is also worth knowing that in many cases, meningitis and its serious consequences can be prevented by vaccination.