A Fox News journalist asked Duda about the US elections. “It’s inappropriate to say the least.”
– During Donald Trump’s presidency, Poland had very good relations with the United States – Andrzej Duda recalled in an interview for Fox News. What did the head of state say about the US elections?
Former President Donald Trump won a “record victory” in the Iowa primary on Monday. The rivals were far behind. Andrzej Duda was asked about this year’s elections in the United States in an interview for Fox News.
The president recalled that during Donald Trump’s presidency, Poland was in “very good relations with the United States”. – The US President became involved in cooperation between the Three Seas countries, we signed many economic contracts that were fundamental for Poland, including: for the supply of liquefied gas, or have we started serious cooperation in the construction of the first nuclear power plant in Poland. These were actions that greatly strengthened the ties, including economic ones, between our countries, Duda said.
Duda: Under Trump, Poland had very good relations with the US
Then the Polish president was asked about the choice Americans will soon face. Andrzej Duda pointed out that they will ultimately decide who will lead their country. – It is at least inappropriate if European politicians try to tell Americans what president they should choose. It is the Americans who choose the president and it is the Americans who know what kind of president will be best for them and the best for their country, he argued.
The interview also touched upon the issue of military spending. Duda emphasized that Poland treated Russian aggression in Ukraine and the resurgence of Russian imperialism very seriously, as a threat to security. – For us, this means, first of all, the need to strengthen our defense. Hence, last year we already spent 4 percent of our GDP on defense. These are huge arms purchases. First of all, we implement them in the United States, the president recalled.
President for Fox News: In my opinion, this is the interest of Poland and Europe
– In my opinion, a close alliance between Poland and the United States, as well as the strongest Euro-Atlantic ties, is the interest of Poland and Europe, but also the interest of the USA – Andrzej Duda noted. He added that history teaches us that the closer the ties between Europe and the United States, the safer Europe and the greater the chance that we will be free from Russian influence.
– In the first half of 2025, Poland will take over the presidency of the Council of the European Union. The first priority will be to strengthen Euro-Atlantic ties. That is: more Europe in the United States, but also more USA in Europe – assured the president in an interview for Fox News.