When she wants and he doesn’t. Prof. Lew-Starowicz for “Wprost”: Five main causes
Many women like sex, want it and count on their partner’s readiness. And here in many relationships, really in many, there are stairs – he is not willing. Why?
Before I get to the topic – a bit of history: in the times of our great-grandmothers, such a problem almost did not exist. For several reasons: women were tired of many pregnancies, children, and housework, and sex was not on their minds. The fear of pregnancy also had its effect. Moreover, few women had orgasms. They were getting old quickly, after menopause there was no more sex, and the long-awaited peace finally came. Times have changed and, for example, contraception does not limit sex, there are fewer children, menopause is not a limitation, and the third sexual revolution (release of “women’s erotic potential”) is also doing its job.
Most women achieve orgasm and satisfaction from sex. Patriarchy is disappearing. To live and not die.
It’s no wonder that many women like sex, want it and count on their partner’s readiness. And here in many relationships, really in many, there are stairs – he is not willing. Why? According to my research, there are five common causes.