What would Jarosław Kaczyński like to get for Christmas? A PiS politician once gave him a duck

What would Jarosław Kaczyński like to get for Christmas?  A PiS politician once gave him a duck

Ryszard Czarnecki admitted that Jarosław Kaczyński likes receiving books the most. He also admitted that he once presented him with a carved wooden duck from South Korea. – I gave it to him knowing that the president had a sense of humor – he commented.

Ryszard Czarnecki, as a person close to Jarosław Kaczyński, revealed in fact that what kind of present would the PiS president like to find under the Christmas tree. An MEP with similar tastes to the leader of the United Right. – President Jarosław Kaczyński is one of the few politicians who actually “devour” books. He reads a lot. He likes receiving them and doesn’t put them on the shelf. It has always been like that, emphasized Czarnecki.

– I remember that I once brought him a very nice carved wooden duck from South Korea. I gave it to him knowing that the president had a sense of humor. And indeed, it turned out that he accepted this gift with a big smile. For a long time, such a duck “sat” in his office – revealed the Law and Justice MEP. Czarnecki himself admits that he also likes receiving books. He also appreciates it very much if he receives a tie or perfume as a gift.

Christmas wishes from Jarosław Kaczyński

In his Christmas wishes, Kaczyński himself wished Poles to “spend this holiday time with their families, loved ones and friends.” – Let it be a time of reflection, but also a time of community and, where necessary, community renewal. Let this be a moment when we unite. We unite around the Christmas table, but we also unite as Poles, he emphasized.

– The New Year is also approaching. And here I would like to wish you a good year, a year of development for our homeland, a year of prosperity. And what is so important today for Poland, for Europe, for the world – a year of peace. So that at the end of this year we can be convinced that it was a good year – good for everyone, for our homeland, for Poland, for our neighbors – concluded the president of Law and Justice.

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