What a meeting! “It’s getting strange and uncomfortable, you look at the nearby pulpit…”
There is no “way” to encounter a lynx, only luck. One of the rangers had a lot of it, he even managed to record the animal.
A recording with a lynx in the main role appeared on the website of the Tuczno Forest District. There are few of these wild cats in Poland, various estimates said there were about 200 lynxes on the Vistula River. Moreover, they are difficult to find – it is rather a matter of chance and luck to find them in the forest. Currently, lynxes live in the wild in the north-eastern and southern parts of Poland. Few individuals are also seen in the Słowiński National Park, Tuchola Forest, as well as in the Notecka Forest and in the forests north of it.
However, in this case it was different.
Lynx on the pulpit. “You have a strange feeling that someone is watching you…”
Wojciech Kołodziejczak, a forester from the hunting ground, was lucky enough to come across the lynx and record everything. However, the animal chose an unusual place to rest: the lynx lay down on the pulpit and calmly looked at the man.
The Tuczno Forest District described the meeting this way:
“You’re walking through the forest… You have a strange feeling that someone is watching you… It’s getting weird and uncomfortable… you look at the nearby pulpit and there’s… a lynx. Our friend Wojtek, who works in the Łowiska Forest District, had such an unusual encounter.
What do you need to know about lynxes? State Forests advise:
“Lynxes are the largest predators of the feline family found in Poland. They have high space requirements and look for vast and hard-to-reach forest areas to live in. Their characteristic feature, apart from their spotted color, is the stiff hair on the top of the ears that act as sound-collecting antennas, as well as longer hair on the side of the head creating the so-called ruff. Lynxes lead a solitary lifestyle outside the estrus period.