Volcanic eruption in Hawaii. There is a recording

Volcanic eruption in Hawaii.  There is a recording

Residents of Hawaii witnessed the eruption of the Kilauea volcano on Sunday, and the eruption occurred after a series of earthquakes. The scale of the phenomenon is illustrated by recordings posted online, which show a powerful wave of lava being thrown into the air.

Kilauea is an active volcano located on the largest island in the Hawaiian archipelago. The last eruption took place in September 2018, but since March 2019, scientists have recorded gradual elevation of the terrain, indicating that the magma reservoir is starting to fill. The eruption occurred on Sunday and was preceded by a series of earthquakes, reports The Independent.

Volcanic eruption in Hawaii. There are videos

The first quakes occurred around 10 p.m. local time and their strength was estimated at 4.0 on the Richter scale. According to the United States Geological Survey, the tremors occurred under the volcano’s southern flank, and the eruption took place in the Halemaumau crater. Initially, lava was thrown to a height of 50 meters.

Lava and a cloud of thick smoke emerging from the volcano pose a threat to local residents, who have been asked to stay at home. In turn, recordings showing the scale of the phenomenon appeared online.

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