The sudden death of the Polish world champion. She was 20 years old

The sudden death of the Polish world champion.  She was 20 years old

Painful news spread across sports Poland. Wiktoria Sieczka died unexpectedly at the age of only 20. The Pole was the world champion in powerlifting.

Tragic information about the death of a young athlete spread across Poland. Wiktoria Sieczka died at the age of 20. An outstanding Polish athlete died unexpectedly, but the cause of death was not made public. The Nicolaus Copernicus School of Economics in Skarżysko-Kamienna announced the death of the world champion in powerlifting.

The 20-year-old Polish world champion has died

Sieczka was no longer a student at the school, but she represented it as an athlete for years. The institution says goodbye to its graduate in a touching post on social media. He remembers her as a warm, nice person universally liked by everyone. Readers can learn more about the sports adventures of a powerlifter who initially tried her hand at football and then fell in love with powerlifting, in which she quickly began to achieve great success.

A year after starting training, Sieczka enjoyed the junior world championships in the up to 76 kilograms category in powerlifting, as well as in the squat and bench press. In addition, she stood on the highest step of the podium at the European Junior Championships for under-18 women in the up to 84 kilograms category.

“It is with great regret that we inform you that on March 26, 2024, Wiktoria Sieczka, last year's graduate of the advertising technician class, died suddenly – an outstanding athlete, world champion in powerlifting, a nice student and a universally liked friend. We express our sincere condolences to the family and friends,” you can read on the Facebook profile of ZSE in Skarżysko-Kamienna.

Wiktoria Sieczka's funeral

Wiktoria Sieczka's funeral is scheduled for April 2 at 12:30 in the Church of St. Saint Brother Albert, and then at the parish cemetery in Mirów.

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