The nurse ignored this inconspicuous symptom. It heralded colon cancer
Colorectal cancer can affect anyone, regardless of age. Bailey McBreen, a young and energetic nurse from Florida, learned this the hard way. The disease turned her life upside down. And it all started with one inconspicuous symptom.
Bailey noticed the first disturbing symptoms already in 2021. “I was burping five to ten times a day. This wasn’t normal for me. In fact, I rarely burped. That’s why I paid attention to it,” the girl said in an interview with the media. However, she quickly downplayed these ailments, putting them down to an improper diet and overeating. Over time, it turned out that he also suffered from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Other disturbing symptoms also appeared.
Stage three colon cancer
The girl began to complain of headaches, chronic fatigue, difficulty with bowel movements and loss of appetite. A computed tomography scan performed at the hospital showed that the young nurse had stage 3 colon cancer. “I never thought burping would be a harbinger of such a terrible disease. The diagnosis knocked me off my feet. “I remember that after hearing the diagnosis, I just said: I’m not ready to die,” Bailey said. In January 2023, the nurse underwent surgery to remove a tumor blocking the colon. Now he is undergoing chemotherapy cycles and appeals to others never to underestimate his health condition.
In the 10 months before my diagnosis, I was completely healthy and full of energy. I exercised consistently 5-6 times a week for at least 14 months. Cancer doesn’t choose. All changes you notice in your body require consultation with a doctor, even if they are usually considered harmless. My burping was also a normal phenomenon, but it turned out to be the beginning of a terrible disease. The most important thing is to listen to your body, the nurse emphasizes.
Excessive burping is not a textbook sign of colon cancer, but in Bailey’s case it was this inconspicuous symptom that appeared first. GERD was also a symptom. It indicated progressive intestinal obstruction.
Who is most often affected by colon cancer?
Colorectal cancer usually affects people over 45 years of age. Doctors note, however, that this trend is now starting to change, and cancer is increasingly affecting young people under the age of 30. Therefore, specialists recommend caution and regular tests (ultrasound, colonoscopy), even when there are no disturbing symptoms. The disease in its early stages does not produce any obvious symptoms. Therefore, it is difficult to detect without specialized tests. The risk group includes people who are overweight and have a genetic risk (due to the occurrence of cancer in the family), as well as heavy cigarette smokers.