A 2.5-year-old boy drank drain cleaner. An LPR helicopter was called

A 2.5-year-old boy drank drain cleaner.  An LPR helicopter was called

The boy, a resident of Silesia, drank a pipe cleaner – reports local Radio Piekary. The services were called to the scene.

A child who was only 2.5 years old drank drain cleaner. According to Radio Piekary, which contacted the District Headquarters of the State Fire Service, the boy was then under the care of an adult – says senior captain Krystian Biesiadecki – a State Fire Service officer in Będzin (Silesian Voivodeship).

When firefighters arrived, the 2.5-year-old was conscious

First, firefighters were called to the scene, and then the Emergency Medical Services, which took the boy aboard an Air Ambulance helicopter. Under the care of doctors, the 2.5-year-old was transported to the Upper Silesian Children’s Health Center in Katowice. Importantly, as senior captain says Biesiadecki, when firefighters arrived, the boy was still conscious.

A spokesman for the Katowice medical facility said in an interview with Radio Piekary that the child is currently in good condition. He will remain there for some time for observation. Doctors are now verifying what specific substance the 2.5-year-old drank, which may be important in the context of appropriate further treatment.

According to RMF FM, the incident took place in Rogoźnik on February 14 in the morning. Before the LPR helicopter arrived at the scene, help was provided to 2.5-year-old rescuers who arrived at the scene by ambulance.

A 13-month-old girl drank some liquid. She was taken to hospital in a serious condition

We reported on a similar situation years ago. In 2018, a 13-month-old girl – a resident of Piotrków Trybunalski (Łódź Voivodeship) swallowed a drain cleaner. Unfortunately, the substance led to burns on the tongue and esophagus – Radio Łódź reported. After being transported to the Polish Mother’s Health Center in Łódź, the child’s condition was serious. Doctors therefore had to decide to put her in a medically induced coma.

Both situations show how important it is to keep these types of substances away from children. It is best if they are locked in cabinets that cannot be easily opened. You can also buy substances in bottles secured with special push-off caps that protect the liquid so that the child cannot get to it.

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