Safe loan 2 percent The number of applications is “stabilizing”, but the money is running out
Currently, the number of applications for Safe Loan 2%. stabilizes and amounts to approximately 3 thousand. weekly. However, the government did not expect such interest: the pool of money for this year has already been used. This puts its fate in 2024 in doubt.
A reader wrote to us who, with the help of a credit advisor, is applying for a subsidized loan under the government program “Safe 2% Credit”. The reader took into account the offer of three banks, including Alior Bank – an institution where he has a current account and several other products, so it can be assumed that this bank knows the financial situation of our reader best.
Safe loan 2 percent Alior Bank responds to the reader
He was surprised when the advisor informed him that Alior Bank was withdrawing from the program due to, as he put it, customers’ low interest in concluding contracts when the bank issued a positive credit decision. What the advisor meant was that customers who received the green light from several banks ultimately chose offers competitive to those of Alior Bank.
So the reader chose the “Safe 2% loan” offer. in other banks, but the information about the alleged resignation of Alior Bank bothered him, so he asked us to ask the press office this question. It turns out that the credit advisor did not have full knowledge on this subject. “Alior Bank has not withdrawn its participation in the Safe Credit 2% program. We are still accepting and considering loan applications,” the employee responsible for media relations assured us.
So, applications can be submitted to 12 banks. These are:
Alior Bank SA
BPS Bank and BPS Cooperative Banks
Bank Ochrony Środowiska SA
Bank Spółdzielczy Rzemiosła in Krakow
Cooperative Bank in Brodnica
Krakowski Bank Spółdzielczy in Kraków
mBank SA
PKO Bank Polski SA
SGB-Bank SA and Cooperative Banks Associated with SGB-Bank SA
VeloBank SA
Wschodni Bank Spółdzielczy in Chełm
The amount of money for this year has already been used
The program is so popular that funds from the pool for next year have already been released. According to the findings of “Fakt”, Poles borrowed approximately PLN 3.7 billion to buy their first apartment within 11 weeks of its introduction.
Unfortunately, this raises concerns that there may not be enough money for next year.
– So far, banks have received approximately 45,000. conclusions. We estimate that by the end of the year there will be approximately 70,000 of them, over half of which may turn into loans covered by the government’s loan installment subsidy program. This means that the subsidy limit planned for next year will be mostly or even entirely used in 2023. Then Safe loan 2%. next year it would be “dead” – said Konrad Płochocki, vice-president of the Polish Association of Developer Companies, in an interview with asked the Ministry of Development and Technology what would happen in such a scenario. When the funds for subsidies run out, the government will simply issue an announcement suspending the acceptance of new applications until the new year, the ministry informed.
The peak of submitting applications has already passed – Poles currently submit an average of 3,000 applications. weekly.