Russia reports leaked conversations between Bundeswehr officers. There is a comment by Medvedev

The interview with Putin shocked the West.  Medvedev's puzzling words

Russian media reported the interception of a recording of a conversation between German Bundeswehr officers who were allegedly discussing the plan to destroy the Crimean Bridge. Dmitry Medvedev commented on the reports.

On Friday, March 1, the head of the Russian propaganda station RT, Margarita Simonyan, announced that she had obtained a recording of a conversation between high-ranking Bundeswehr officers. The journalist stated that representatives of the German armed forces discussed the bombing of the Crimean Bridge.

Alleged conversation between Bundeswehr officers

According to Simonjan, the recording lasts 40 minutes and presents findings that completely contradict the official position of the country's authorities, presented by Chancellor Olaf Scholz. Therefore, she asked him, as well as the German ambassador to Russia and the German Minister of Foreign Affairs, about their true intentions.

“How should this actually be understood? Isn't it time for Russia to actively remind Germany how the Russian bridge bombings recently ended?” – she wrote on Telegram. She emphasized that she expected an immediate response and admitted that she wanted to publish the captured recording to “satisfy subscribers.”

Medvedev has harsh words about the Germans

Former President and Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev commented on the situation. “Our historical adversaries, the Germans, have once again become our arch-enemies. Just look at how carefully and in detail they discuss long-range missile attacks on Russian territory, choose targets and the most practical ways to harm our homeland and our citizens,” he said in an entry published on the X website (formerly Twitter).

The Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation wrote that the German authorities' declarations about their lack of involvement in military operations are “deceptive rhetoric.” “Could anyone imagine this not long ago? And how to respond to it in a diplomatic way? I don't know… But I know one thing. The call from World War II has become relevant again: DEATH TO FASCIISTS! – added Medvedev.

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