Radosław Sikorski mocks Jarosław Kaczyński's words. “He's a Talking Monkey”

The astonishing comparison made by Jarosław Kaczyński did not escape the attention of Radosław Sikorski. The head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not bite his tongue.
During his speech in Dąbrowa Białostocka, the PiS president referred to the decision of the mayor of Warsaw not to have religious symbols in offices. According to Jarosław Kaczyński, “Rafał Trzaskowski started with a religious war.”
Kaczyński threatens that “KO wants to turn people into animals”
– This European option is exactly this: destroy religion, destroy what people believe in, that they are more than just homo sapiens, that they are people who have a soul, that they are people who were created in the image and likeness of God. That they are important and – when it comes to what is most important, what is inside us, in our hearts and souls – immortal – he added.
Later in his statement, Jarosław Kaczyński stated that “the European option wants to turn people into animals, which will not be accepted in Poland.”
Tusk and Sikorski mock Kaczyński
Donald Tusk took a closer look at these words. “Vladimir Putin? No, it was Jarosław Kaczyński yesterday to his voters in Podlasie,” wrote the head of government on his Twitter profile.
They also did not escape the attention of Radosław Sikorski. “I kindly inform President Kaczyński that he is a primate, i.e. a talking monkey,” wrote Radosław Sikorski on social media. “Even Przemysław Czarnek and Barbara Nowak did not manage to remove this from the curriculum in Polish schools,” the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs mocked.
Warsaw. Rafał Trzaskowski responds to the allegations
Rafał Trzaskowski decided to respond to the allegations. The Mayor of Warsaw emphasized that it was about sorting out the situation. – We had a lot of questions about whether, for example, office spaces should be consecrated and where there is room to display religious symbols – explained the politician.
The Mayor of Warsaw emphasized that “it is for this reason that a very broad ordinance has been issued, which concerns all issues related to equal rights and the prohibition of discrimination, but also concerns issues related to the fact that these spaces where Warsaw men and women are served should be absolutely neutral.” – Here, no one intends to lead any crusade or act dogmatically, only clear guidelines that we are clarifying – added the KO politician.