Penalty for taking a photo? The airline introduces strict rules

Penalty for taking a photo?  The airline introduces strict rules

A well-known airline is introducing new rules which, if not followed, may end badly for us. This time it’s about using your phone to take photos.

Making phone calls and sending text messages is prohibited after the plane takes off, but there are other phone functions that could now cause problems for passengers. He introduced them, among others, Australian carrier Qantas. See what he forbids his passengers.

New rules in a well-known airline

Qantas is warning customers that they must now obtain consent if they intend to film stewards or other passengers. The new rule reads: “Get consent before filming or photographing Qantas Group employees, contractors or other customers.”

It is unclear what punishment would be imposed on those who do not comply. However, passengers are politely asked to take it to heart. Interestingly, airlines in America have had similar policies for years.

In America, these rules have been in place for years

American Airlines, Delta and United say passengers must obtain consent before taking photos of anyone on board.

In 2013, a passenger on a United flight was kicked off the plane for failing to do so. The airline said at the time: “We encourage customers to record their personal experiences on board, provided they do not take photos or videos of customers and crew without their consent. This is a measure to ensure both security and respect for customer privacy. United’s policy was implemented in 2010.”

In some cases, airline staff have the right to prevent passengers from boarding a plane if they are caught breaking these rules. Continued violations could result in names being added to the banned list, meaning passengers will not be able to fly with those airlines again.

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