Kołodziejczak responds to Beger. “She left Andrzej Lepper”
Former Self-Defense star Renata Beger accused Deputy Minister of Agriculture Michał Kołodziejczak of selling himself for 30 pieces of silver and joining the government. Kołodziejczak referred to the former MP's words.
In connection with today's farmers' protest in Warsaw, Renata Beger, a farmer and years ago one of the most popular MPs of Andrzej Lepper's Self-Defense, spoke out. In an interview for Radio Zet, the former MP was asked to assess the activities of the Minister of Agriculture. She noted that she respects Czesław Siekierski very much, but she does not like the way he talks to farmers. When asked whether Siekierski's current deputy, Michał Kołodziejczak, would be a better minister, Beger replied: – God forbid! No experience yet. The farmers themselves noticed that he balanced words, but there were no specifics about it.
When the interviewer, Bogdan Rymanowski, commented that Kołodziejczak supported the farmers' protest, the former MP did not bite her tongue. – But he doesn't have to support it – we will protest with or without him. As far as I'm concerned, he sold himself for 30 pieces of silver and joined the government. Does he think anyone respects him there? He's too young and doesn't see that they don't take him seriously. He went for money because he thought he would earn a lot there if he talked here and there with farmers. And we demand that matters be resolved – she said on Radio Zet Beger.
Kołodziejczak responds to Beger
Kołodziejczak referred to the words of the former Samoobrona MP in “Kropka nad i…” on TVN24. – Renata Beger first left Andrzej Lepper, and now she left only his son. Let him not talk about agriculture, maybe about me, because it neither chills me nor burns me – said the deputy minister of agriculture.
Kołodziejczak most likely referred to Beger's departure from Self-Defense. This happened after the defeat of this party in the parliamentary elections in 2007 (the party that was in power until recently did not even cross the electoral threshold and found itself outside the Sejm). Beger then left the party because she did not like Lepper's comment on her media activity. At that time, the former MP was hosting a cooking program on one of the local television stations, which the head of Samoobrona commented with the words: “she went to the kitchen”.