I got it from an influencer. They popularize science, and we chose the best

I got it from an influencer.  They popularize science, and we chose the best

Not just makeup in three steps and a smoothie recipe from leftovers in the fridge. Today, social media offers much more to help us make the most of our free time. All thanks to popularizers of science who make us aware of our ignorance. We have chosen the most interesting.

There is a small probability that in a crowded subway, somewhere between work and home, we will reach for a book of several hundred pages to find the answer to the questions that bother us. Even less – that we will know what to ask at all. What mistakes does artificial intelligence make? Why are we warm-blooded? Why do kids ask so many questions… and then stop?

Scientific influencers make us aware of how much we do not know, they explain aspects that appear in the media around which a public debate is taking place without any substantive basis. At the same time, they draw attention to phenomena that we encounter every day … because the fact that we bake a cake at 180 degrees Celsius also has its scientific justification. So before you enviously scroll through your friends’ Instagram photos or reach the end of Facebook, take a look at our summary. It is experimentally proven that you will find something for yourself.

Adam Mirek

On TikTok, adam_mirek talks about biology, physics and chemistry. He makes funny comments on current topics and debunks common myths. On Instagram you can find him under the pseudonym adamxm. There he is followed by 66.8 thousand. people.

He is a PhD student of the Polish Academy of Sciences at the Institute of Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering. The topic of his thesis is “New drug delivery systems based on biopolymers”. – From various biopolymers (which the body will not reject), using various techniques (e.g. 3D bioprinting), I make structures in which I enclose a medicine (e.g. an antibiotic). Thanks to this, there is no need to inject or swallow pills, he explains. He does not hide that he went through some crises while writing the work, caused, among others, by weariness and routine, and TikTok helped him.

– The main goal of this channel is to popularize science. That’s why I don’t call it educational – I don’t teach, but I want to inspire people to be more open to the world of science. I want to show that science can be fun and reach as many people as possible with this message – he says in an interview for kmag.pl

As he writes about himself, his channel is “a drop of knowledge in a sea of ​​comedy”. The recordings have been liked by over 26 million people, and he is followed by over 870,000. Want to know more about drugs? Or maybe you are interested in why lactose-free milk is sweet? Does a sliced ​​apple taste better? What are sourdoughs? Be sure to check why wooden furniture likes to creak by itself.

Konrad Skotnicki

Known as Doktor_z_tiktoka, Konrad Skotnicki is a scientist of flesh and blood. He is a doctor of chemistry from the Institute of Nuclear Chemistry and Technology, researching drugs that can be used to fight cancer. After hours as a climate activist, he talks about what can happen if we do not care enough about our environment.

– It is crucial for me to talk about the climate in an interesting way, which is why I try to present two-hour lectures in a few minutes, condensed form. I am not trying to replace the recipients of studies, it is rather a kind of promotion of science – he explained in an interview with Radio Czwórka.

He started his adventure with TikTok during the pandemic. The platform included thanks to the material about eye colors (do you know where it comes from?), and is currently making recordings about space and even about dinosaurs. Although he particularly appreciates foreign films about science posted on YouTube, he himself teaches knowledge in Polish. The topics he raises are often very complicated, but Konrad manages to solve some of the mysteries in less than a minute.

The influencer’s activity is already followed by over half a million people. What he talks about has been liked by over 14 million users. Konrad Skotnicki explains the reasons for the series of earthquakes in Turkey, tells where the name “bluetooth” comes from, what Blue Monday is, how GPS works and… he tells a scenario of a life without men. However, light content is not the only thing it specializes in. Don’t miss the video about EACOP – humanity’s worst idea.

David Mysliwiec

You can find his profile on YouTube under the name Attention! Scientific Gibberish. Myśliwiec holds a doctorate in chemical sciences from the Faculty of Chemistry of the Maria Curie Skłodowska University in Lublin, which has accumulated 706,000. subscribers. The popularizer of science has so far recorded over 350 films and even wrote a book entitled Recipe for Man, which has sold over 30,000 copies. copies. On Facebook, his profile has been liked by over 112,000 people. people; and on Instagram – over 80,000.

For several years, he has been popularizing exact sciences – chemistry, physics, medicine and geology. However, YouTube is not the only platform where you can listen to it. He also performs live during science picnics and Researchers’ Night. In 2016, he was among the three finalists in the Animator category in the 12th edition of the Science Popularizer competition, organized by the PAP – Science in Poland website and the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.

He writes about himself that he is “the best scientist among basketball players and the best basketball player among scientists” and “one of the best popularizers of science in Poland”, who “at every turn shows that science should not be afraid, because it is full of shocking knowledge and curious. “Science is far from perfect, but it was, is and will be the best tool for creating the future and understanding the present,” says Myśliwiec.

“Attention! Scientific Babble” is a proposal for lovers of in-depth analysis, rich in expert comments. It will be suitable for people with more free time, because some of the films by Dawid Myśliwiec and the band “Naukowy Butkot” last about 30 minutes. Slightly shorter materials (but not as short as on TikTok) can be found on his second channel – “Just Scientific Babble”, which collected 173,000 views. subscribers and “produced” 147 videos.

What is the conspiracy that keeps us craving Coca-Cola? How to determine the number pi with a child? What’s wrong with incest? Who will stem cells heal? Why do we like certain things? The scientist is in a hurry to explain. Be sure to check out the material about why people believe in stupidity.

Tomasz Rozek

He runs the YouTube channel “Nauka. I like it”. He is a physicist by education and a science journalist by profession. He obtained his PhD in physical sciences (specializing in nuclear physics) at the Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry of the University of Silesia and at the Forschungszentrum in Jülich. Rożek is the winner of many journalistic awards. On a daily basis, he manages the scientific department in the weekly “Gość Niedzielny”.

You can also find it on Facebook, where it has been liked by 265,000 people. people and has over 380,000 followers. His Instagram profile is followed by over 100,000. users of this platform.

He also runs the Science Foundation. I Like It”, whose mission is to popularize science and new technologies both among adults and children, and to teach critical thinking. We can also hear him in the “Questions from the Moon” program on Radio 357.

Rożek published several books. The first of them – “Science – simply. Interviews with the Outstanding” was recognized as the best popular science book of the 2010-2011 season. In 2012, he wrote “Science – I like it. From a Grain of Sand to the Stars”, and in 2014 – “Cosmos”. In 2015, he published “Człowiek”, and in 2021 – “Akademia Superheroes”, which describes the biographies and discoveries of Polish, often little-known, outstanding scientists.

He speaks loudly about climate change and pro-ecological behavior. He became the European Union’s Digital Policy Ambassador and advisor to the Director General of the European Space Agency. Thanks to it, you will expand your knowledge in such areas as modern education, ecology, climate change, space, new technologies or artificial intelligence. Do you want to know what we eat in a sausage? What’s the deal with human magnetism? Or are you interested in how animals see? And check out what Stanisław Lem did not foresee in his books.

Maciej Kawecki

He is a doctor of law, academic teacher and technology journalist, and also the president of the Lem Institute and vice-chancellor for innovation at the Warsaw School of Banking. He also studied at the University of Stockholm and JW Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main.

In 2016-2017, Kawecki was an adviser in the political office of the then Minister of Digitization Anna Streżyńska, and later the director of the data management department in the same ministry. Interestingly, in 2018 he was ranked 23rd in the ranking of the 50 most influential lawyers in Poland by Dziennik Gazeta Prawna, in 2019 he was promoted to 15th in the same ranking, being recognized as the “face of GDPR in Poland”.

More than 100,000 people liked his Facebook page. people, while on Instagram he is followed by nearly 10,000. users. For those who like to read, there is also a blog “about innovations that change the world” – makeway.pl, which Kawecki co-creates. He is active as the author of the technological cycle in the program Dzien Dobry TVN, the podcast of the Onet editorial office and Komputer Świat “Technicznie Rzecz Taking”.

– We should show technology from the side of its practical applications and talk about it loudly. Many people associate technology with something boring or difficult, and some even with threat and danger. And yet technology and technique are neutral tools – they are neither good nor bad. What they are depends only on us and how we use them, but to understand it, awareness is needed – he says in an interview for the energetyka.plus portal.

Why do we clap on a plane? How many myths have grown around Chat GPT? Who can print light? What distinguishes Polish universities from American ones? You will find out from his recordings. Start with the 22 million year old air:

Catherine Siuzdak

On TikTok, she is known as professorka.kasia, where she has accumulated over 44,000. followers. Her videos have been liked more than 820,000 times. times. Her activity on Instagram (science_mission) is already followed by over 100,000. people.

Katarzyna Siuzdak – PhD, engineer, professor at the Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences – winner of the START scholarship of the Foundation for Polish Science, winner of the Scholarship of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for the Best Young Scientists, manager of grants of the National Science Center, substantive supervisor of the Prelude NCN and the Grant Diamond Ministry of Science and Higher Education, as well as the author and co-author of over 100 publications in prestigious journals.

Siuzdak is the head of the Functional Materials Studio. She was on the list of 22 Polish women worth watching in 2022 according to “Forbes Women”. – I do not conduct regular classes with students, so naturally the need to find another way to share knowledge arose. My younger sister showed me Instagram and said that there are not only beauty and travel profiles, but also more and more educational content created by specialists – said Siuzdak in an interview for “Twój Styl”.

Thanks to her materials, we will learn, among others, how to find iron in breakfast cereals? What pen should not be used to sign important documents? Professorka_kasia will explain it all. For starters, we recommend a video about the reaction with the jelly:

We have also prepared a list of science enthusiasts who, although not professionally involved in science, run fascinating social media channels. Be sure to check out our list of influencers. We have selected their most popular materials for you.

Darek Hoffmann – SciFun

Mr. Belfer – a teacher from the Internet



Pawel Starzak – Doctor Pablo


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