Don’t come without three thousand. Report on rental prices
For every fourth apartment available for rent in Poland, the tenant must pay at least PLN 3,000. zloty. The most expensive place is in Warsaw. Krajów and Tricity also made it to the podium.
It is no surprise that renting apartments costs more and more. What may be surprising, however, is the speed at which this happens. The latest report by the Otodom website states that every fourth apartment for rent costs PLN 3,000 to PLN 5,000 a month. zloty. “A year ago, every fifth had such an offer price. Only 28 percent of the offered premises could be rented for up to PLN 2,000. A year ago, it was one third of the entire offer,” we read in the commentary to the study.
Apartment rental: the most expensive in the capital
The most expensive premises for rent are in Warsaw: the average rent is PLN 5,000. PLN, by 10 percent more than a year ago. In second place was Tricity, where prices dropped slightly. “Although average rental prices dropped by 2% compared to July, they are still among the highest and amount to approximately PLN 3,300,” experts noted. It costs the same to rent an average apartment in Krakow. There are cities in Poland where you can get locked up with bills of up to PLN 2,000. PLN: this will be the case, for example, in Bydgoszcz and Kielce.
“On an annual basis, it can be seen that the price growth dynamics is slowing down and in most cities it ranges from a few to a dozen or so percent. These values are close to the inflation level. Presumably, increases in average asking rent rates at this level result from increases in operating costs,” explains Otodom senior analyst Karolina Klimaszewska.
The number of apartments for rent in Gdańsk is growing
August was another month of increased interest in apartments for rent in Poland. The number of searches increased by 7%. compared to July. It can be assumed that students are responsible for this, as in August they began to look more intensively for an apartment at the beginning of the academic year.
In August, the offer of apartments for rent was shrinking the fastest not in the most expensive places, but in Rzeszów. Compared to July, the number of premises available there decreased by one quarter. In some cities, such as Lublin or Łódź, there are more rental offers. In August, the pool of available apartments for rent in the Tricity increased by 75%. Experts emphasize that there will probably be more apartments for rent in the Gdańsk area in September. This happens every year: some owners rent apartments to tourists for a short period in the summer, and after the season they look for longer-term tenants.
In the text below we calculate how much students pay on average for an apartment or room.