CNN: NATO radars saw the missile that fell on Przewodzie

The rocket that fell on Przewodzie was tracked by NATO radars, say representatives of the alliance’s troops.
According to CNN, based on information obtained from military officials from the North Atlantic Alliance, the flight of the rocket that fell on Przewodzie was tracked.
A NATO plane saw the missile
The information provided by NATO military officials indicates that the alliance’s radar system saw the trajectory of the missile that fell on Polish territory, resulting in the death of two people. This was possible thanks to the work of the so-called “flying radar”, i.e. one of the AWACS aircraft. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, these types of machines, taking off from airports in Germany, Great Britain and the Netherlands, have been conducting flights over Polish territory.
The use of AWACS aircraft allows for radar surveillance at much greater distances than is possible with ground-based radars. The operation of conventional installations is disturbed by the curvature of the Earth and often does not allow the observation of rockets, planes or helicopters that fly at a very low altitude.
NATO provided information to Poland
A military man quoted by CNN said that “information about the missile’s flight trajectory was provided to NATO and Poland” – we read. NATO representatives still do not clearly state where the missile was fired from. Yesterday’s information included a clear declaration about a “Russian-made missile.” However, both President Andrzej Duda and Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki spoke much more carefully.
Also President Joe Biden, whory, attending the G20 summit in Bali, said that given the missile’s flight trajectory, it was unlikely that the missile was launched from Russian territory.