Biedronka is testing a recycling machine. We know the rate for the returned bottle

Biedronka has started testing recycle machines. The first one appeared near a store in Skórzewo (Greater Poland Voivodeship). For each empty bottle returned, the customer will receive 5 cents.
The website informs about Biedronka’s commencement of tests of recyclists. Selected branches of the chain accept plastic packaging and aluminum cans through a recycler, i.e. an automatic device for accepting packaging and issuing a voucher. The first such device appeared at the chain’s store in Skórzewo (Greater Poland Voivodeship).
Biedronka is testing a recycling machine. 5 cents for return
The rules of the campaign are set out in the regulations for accepting plastic packaging and aluminum cans in selected Biedronka stores. The customer may return the packaging only during store opening hours.
– The recyclomate only accepts packaging that meets certain conditions: used for drinks distributed in Biedronka stores, uncrushed and undamaged, uncontaminated, completely empty of the drink and having the original manufacturer’s label, the condition of which allows the EAN code to be loaded by the recyclomat – explains Monika Ziomek, operational projects manager at the Biedronka chain, in an interview with the website.
In return for each package returned to the recycling machine, the customer will receive a voucher with a value equal to a multiple of 5 groszy, depending on the number of packages returned, and as part of a one-time return of packages, the buyer is entitled to a voucher worth up to PLN 50. The voucher is printed by the device and can be used for one-time purchases within 30 days from the date of printing only in the store where it was issued. The minimum purchase value entitling you to use the voucher must be at least PLN 1 more than the value of the voucher (the minimum amount of PLN 1 is the final amount to be paid after calculating all discounts).
For example, a customer who has one voucher worth PLN 5 can redeem it by making a one-time purchase for at least PLN 6. Purchases eligible for the voucher do not include: alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, infant formula, top-ups, including telephone cards, prepaid cards and other services.
For now, recyclimate has appeared in the store at ul. Poznańska 1W in Skórzewo. The next ones – as announced by the Biedronka representative – will be successively installed in branches where this is possible.