Belly types vary. What are you like – thyroid, stressed, different? This knowledge helps you lose weight

Belly types vary.  What are you like – thyroid, stressed, different?  This knowledge helps you lose weight

Are you planning to lose weight? First, take a good look at your figure. Pay special attention to the belly. Its shape and size can say a lot about your health and diet. This knowledge will help you lose excess weight faster and more effectively.

  • Alcohol belly – too much sugar in the diet
  • Abdominal distension and gastric symptoms
  • Stressed abdomen as a result of chronic tension
  • What does the thyroid belly indicate?

Losing weight can be quite a challenge. Many different factors contribute to the success of the entire process. Before you try to lose excess weight, think about what may be causing your excess weight. Analyzing the appearance of the figure, with particular emphasis on the belly, can help identify the “culprit”. There are several different types of this body part. Don’t hesitate and check which one is yours. This knowledge will certainly be useful to you.

Alcohol belly – too much sugar in the diet

The alcoholic belly sticks out a lot and is immediately noticeable. Fat tissue is deposited mainly in its front parts. It does not “spread” onto the sides or other areas of the body. Its development is primarily caused by an improper diet rich in simple sugars. Their sources include sweets, highly processed products, fast food snacks and alcoholic beverages. The appearance of an alcohol belly often indicates liver problems, such as fatty liver disease. A poorly functioning organ may, in turn, lead to the development of ascites and edema, and consequently to weight gain.

To get rid of the alcohol belly, first of all, stop eating highly processed products and eliminate alcohol from your diet (these are empty calories that generally have no nutritional value). Change your daily habits and engage in regular physical activity (start with walking). Introduce products into your diet that will support liver function and facilitate weight loss, for example artichoke or milk thistle.

Abdominal distension and gastric symptoms

The bloated belly sticks out noticeably. It “grows” throughout the day. It seems as if there was a balloon filled with air inside. It is hard and painful to the touch. Its formation is not related to excess fat tissue. This is the result of gas accumulating in the intestines and pressing on the abdominal wall. As a result, you feel bloated and experience other symptoms such as constipation.

To deal with the problems of a bloated stomach, limit the amount of bloating products in your diet (including cruciferous vegetables and legumes). Increase the amount of fiber in your diet. Reach for whole grain bread, brown rice, nuts, dried fruit, chard, carrots, etc. However, remember not to overdo the amount of dietary fiber in your diet. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that the daily intake of this ingredient for an adult should not exceed 25 grams. Excess fiber in the diet can cause many side effects, lead to the accumulation of gases in the intestines and intensify unpleasant symptoms of the digestive system. Don’t forget to hydrate your body. An infusion of fennel, chamomile, lemon balm or mint can help relieve the digestive system.

Stressed abdomen as a result of chronic tension

A stressed belly is a type of belly that is sagging and soft. It is poured out to the sides, creating various “rolls”. When you are stressed, cortisol production increases. This hormone causes many changes to prepare the body for the “fight or flight” response. One of them is the accumulation of energy reserves, which are stored in the form of fat tissue (if not used appropriately). To effectively deal with this problem, you must first reduce your stress level. Relaxation techniques and consultations with a psychologist or psychotherapist can help.

What does the thyroid belly indicate?

The thyroid belly is generally quite large. Extra kilos are often deposited in other parts of the body and are difficult to lose. Hypothyroidism is responsible for this state of affairs (the organ produces an insufficient amount of hormones). Metabolic processes then slow down. The body does not burn all the calories it receives, which leads to overweight or obesity. The slowdown in metabolism is accompanied by other symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, lethargy, mood changes, hoarseness, etc. The first step to getting rid of thyroid belly and unwanted centimeters should be to implement appropriate treatment. Therefore, if you notice any of the indicated symptoms or other disturbing ailments, contact your family doctor.

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