Agriculture and production: for the good of people and the planet
Care for the natural environment, transparent relations with clients and contractors, business development with future generations in mind – these are some of the fundamental principles that form the foundations of every professional business built in a socially responsible manner and in accordance with the broadly understood principles of sustainable development. In Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa, all these elements are part of the company’s long-term development strategy. One of the key aspects in this area is close cooperation with growers, suppliers of agricultural products and mutual exchange of experience, for the benefit of each party and the entire socio-economic environment.
– Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa is the largest sugar producer in Poland and one of the largest in Europe. Playing such an important role in business and agriculture obliges. As a company, we take full responsibility for ensuring that our activities are conducted in an ethical manner and take into account the needs of other entities. This approach is the foundation of our activities in three main areas of activity: agriculture, production and trade – says Marek Dereziński, Member of the Management Board of Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa.
In the key area for the development of Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa, which is agriculture, the priority is exemplary, best possible cooperation with sugar beet growers. It manifests itself both in the social and agrotechnical aspects. A number of activities in this area are in line with the “2030 Strategy for Sustainable Development of Rural Areas, Agriculture and Fisheries” adopted by the Council of Ministers in 2019.
– In Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa, we are aware of how important and necessary is the contribution to the economic development of the countryside. At the same time, we also remember to take all necessary actions – developing cooperation with growers, and ultimately our production – to improve the condition of the natural environment. We support our contractors, we set ourselves new challenges, we care about the highest quality of production – emphasizes Marek Dereziński.
In relations with growers, Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa follows the principles of sustainable agriculture. It is worth emphasizing here that KSC experts participated in the creation of the publication “Code of Good Practices in Sugar Beet Production” more than 12 years ago, which is still an important source document with guidelines for growers. However, this is not the end of mutual relations and cooperation with the company’s contractors. In addition to publications and professional press, an important channel of communication with growers are trainings organized by Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa, industry conferences, or the “Kwartalnik Polski Cukier” published by KSC. As part of each of these activities, current issues regarding sustainable agriculture are presented.
These activities are appreciated by growers. Particularly valuable is the exchange of experience in the field of mechanization of agriculture, fertilization and plant protection. Knowledge on this subject is growing year by year, and KSC experts constantly update their information in this area. The company also cooperates with domestic and foreign scientific institutes. Each year, the Agrotechnics Department of Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa carries out a series of experiments on plant varieties, their cultivation and fertilization, as well as plantation protection against pests. Thanks to the transfer of knowledge from the world of science, KSC experts can recommend the best solutions for specific cultivation regions.
But that’s not all. In order to meet customers’ requirements, Krajowa Spółka Cukrowastale improves its management system, increases the competitiveness of its offer and implements the highest quality standards. KSC is also the holder of a number of certificates. One of the most important in the field of cooperation with farmers is the REDcert2 certificate of sustainable sugar beet cultivation, which confirms that growers cooperating with Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa meet the requirements for sugar beet cultivation in accordance with good agricultural practices. It is important that the practices verified during certification include crop planning and management of farm resources, in particular soil, through the optimal use of inputs (fertilizers, pesticides, irrigation). In addition, during the audit carried out by the certification body – Przemysłowy Instytut Motoryzacyjny – the growers confirmed that they take actions aimed at preserving and improving the condition of the natural environment in which they run their farms.
The strategy successfully implemented by KSC in the field of implementing the principles of sustainable development also opens up new business areas for the company. In September 2019, they were carried out in the Company by the certification body TÜV Rheinland Polska Sp. z o. o. audits for compliance with the requirements of the KZR INIG standard (Sustainable Development Criteria – Oil and Gas Institute). On September 20, 2019, the company received the KZR INIG certificate, confirming that it meets the requirements of sustainable development. This certificate enables the Company to sell molasses to companies producing ethanol for biofuels.
Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa SA with its registered office in Toruń, was established in 2002 as a result of the consolidation of three Polish state-owned sugar companies. KSC is currently the largest in Poland and an important producer of beet sugar in Europe. In the financial year 2018/2019, the share of Krajowa Spółka Cukrowa SA in the Polish sugar market was approx. 40%. In 2019, sugar beets were grown on an area of over 100,000 hectares. ha, cultivated by nearly 15,000 growers. The recipients of the company’s products sold under the “Polski Cukier” brand are both Polish companies and international concerns. The group comprises branches: 7 sugar factories (Dobrzelin, Kluczewo, Krasnystaw, Kruszwica, Malbork, Nakło, Werbkowice), the Sugar Terminal in Gdańsk, the “Polskie Przetwory” plant in Włocławek and several production subsidiaries, including: Przedsiębiorstwo Zbożowo- Młynarskie Młyny Stoisław, Potato Industry Enterprise “Trzemeszno”, Candy Factory “Pszczółka”.