A year of free games from Epic Games. The giant confirmed its plans

A year of free games from Epic Games.  The giant confirmed its plans

Epic Games has been giving away free games in its store for years and has no intention of ending the popular Thursday promotion. The company has just confirmed its strategy for the next year.

Epic Games Store has decided to extend its famous promotion with free games. The company’s management confirmed that players can expect regular gifts throughout the next year.

A year of free games on the Epic Games Store – promotion also in 2024.

Since its founding in 2018, the Epic Games Store platform has consistently encouraged users to create an account and engage in regular activity. The most famous program are free games that appear in the store every week, exactly on Thursday at 5 p.m. Players can permanently assign them to their account, and many have been hunting for new productions for several years now.

There have been many rumors that Epic will stop promoting free games. However, the company has just admitted that it intends to continue the tradition throughout 2024. During a panel at the Unreal Fest 2023 event, this fact was confirmed by Kyle Billings from Epic Games.

The manager also mentioned, among others: that thanks to the free games campaign, the Epic Games Store gained over 90 million new users. It’s no surprise that the company plans to continue with its well-known strategy.

Epic Games is slowing down – the company earns too little

Giving away games completely for free must cost the company dearly, and yet the company does not back down from the plan. At the same time, the company is not doing that well, because not so long ago we learned about the plan of collective layoffs at Epic Games. 870 employees are to leave the company creating Fortnite, i.e. exactly 16%. the entire staff. The bad news was announced by Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney in a memorandum to employees.

“For some time now we have been spending way too much compared to how much we earn. For a long time I was optimistic and thought that we could survive this period without layoffs. Looking back, it was unrealistic,” Sweeney admits in a staff memo.

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