Who are the alopecia women? Agata: “My husband has never seen me without a wig.” Marta: “There was a time when I took my hair off. Maybe I wanted to scream my alopecia?”
One girl said that when she lost her hair when she was little, her parents would cover the windows so that no one could see her. And when friends came to the party, she was locked in the room, said Marta Kawczyńska, a journalist and alopecia fan, in the podcast “Wprost Nienie”. How do you find the strength to defend yourself? – wondered Agata Bura, founder of the Polish Alopecia Association. Guests of Paulina Socha-Jakubowska told their stories about alopecia in connection with the month of awareness of this disease.
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Paulina Socha-Jakubowska: What is alopecia?
Marta Kawczynska: Alopecia is an autoimmune disease that, in short, is when your own body “chews” its own hair. First, for example, small (bald – ed.) patches appear, then these patches get bigger… The hair can fall out completely, but it doesn’t have to. Some have a benign version, some have a malicious version, that’s how it goes.
You’re both alopecia, you don’t have hair. At what stage did this disease manifest itself?
Agata Bura: I lost my hair when I was 15. I laugh that there is never a good time to go bald, but it was probably the worst time for a young girl, a teenager who really starts to care about how she looks. And for me it fell precisely in those years, such teenage years.