Vectra increased prices based on the clause, customers are sending complaints to the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection. Other operators are also under the microscope
The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection receives complaints from Vectra customers who are dissatisfied with the increase in their current prices for services based on the so-called inflation clause.
The inflation clause is a provision used by Vectra from the end of 2022, which also applies to the Multimedia Polska network belonging to the group. Based on such a clause, which takes into account price indexation based on inflation, Vectra increased the rates for services to its customers. Also to those who concluded a fixed-term contract with her and now cannot break it without incurring financial penalties.
Vectra customers write complaints to the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection
The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection has already received approximately 300 complaints about the increases that the Vectra group introduced on the basis of the so-called inflation clauses in their clients’ contracts.
Thanks to the use of an inflation clause in contracts, the operator reserved the right to increase fees for the provision of telecommunications services in connection with inflation. In theory, it has the right to do so also during the term of the contract, but it was this aspect of the clause that Vectra’s existing customers did not like and have now turned to the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) for help.
In the opinion of Vectra’s customers, the main problem with the clause is that it increases prices for services and at the same time prevents subscribers with fixed-term contracts from terminating them early. In their complaints to the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection, dissatisfied customers mainly draw attention to the fact that when they decided to sign a contract with Vectra, a completely different, lower price was applicable in exchange for the provision of specific services.
Customers who are dissatisfied with the sudden price increase based on the inflation clause would like to be able to terminate the contract with Vectra immediately, but the operator does not want to waive the financial penalties that are usually paid in the event of early termination of a contract signed on specific terms.
The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection is investigating the case. Other operators are also under the microscope
Since November 2022, the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection has been conducting explanatory proceedings in connection with the introduction of inflation clauses by telecommunications operators. In addition to Vectra, Orange, Play and T-Mobile are currently under scrutiny, as they have also been using similar provisions in their contracts for some time.