Twitter “nearly at zero”. CEO X delighted

Twitter "nearly at zero".  CEO X delighted

The head of Twitter, also known as X, confirms that the social platform taken over by Elon Musk is rebounding from the financial bottom. The company is “almost at zero” – notes Linda Yaccarino.

CEO of X Linda Yaccarino recently gave an interview for CNN, in which she said, among other things: about the competition from Meta Threads and the current situation of Twitter, after the big rebrand to According to the manager, the company she manages is getting closer to achieving the goal set for the company by Elon Musk himself. It’s all about getting back into financial balance and then generating profits.

The head of the company about the future of X and the competition of Threads

At the beginning of the conversation, the head of the company was asked about Threads – the application almost completely recreates the functions of Twitter and was hugely popular at its launch last month. “Threads actually jumped into the market with a lot of hype, helped by a springboard in the form of Instagram users (…) On the other hand, we are now seeing huge declines,” Yaccarino began.

According to the woman, “you must never take your eyes off the competition”, and her company monitors how Threads is changing and what innovations the main competitor is introducing.

“We see Threads trying to be what Twitter has been in the past. We have just rebranded to X. We are focusing on what X will be – we have changed our goals, vision and action plan – announces the CNN interlocutor.

Twitter is almost making money – the company is back to growth

According to CEO X, the social platform is now returning to the strategy of generating growth. Thus, it is to end a very long period of cost cutting, layoffs, reduction of office space and all other reductions.

Just last month, Elon Musk announced in a tweet that Twitter/X ad earnings had dropped by 50 percent. So what about the company’s revenue? “We’re almost at zero. Coca Cola, Visa, State Farm are our huge (advertising) partners. These companies are coming back and the last few weeks have seen constant increases in advertising revenues, praised Yaccarino in an interview.

However, advertisers are still wary of the platform, which seems unstable. Another problem is Elon Musk’s hard attitude to freedom of speech – the billionaire wants to allow the publication of any content, even the very controversial ones or those bordering on hate speech.

Yaccarino says here that the company has a policy of “freedom of speech, not freedom of reach”. So X now restricts the exposure of messages that are “lawful but awful”. Regardless of the X-moderated rhyming slogans, it has recently introduced more advanced tools for businesses. Filters will match ads to the context of the statements around them to defend the image of brands.

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