There will be no tax revolution. The minister talks about the mess and errors in the system

There will be no tax revolution.  The minister talks about the mess and errors in the system

We have detected critical errors that prevent the introduction of the National e-Invoice System in 2024, said the Minister of Finance, Andrzej Domański. Therefore, the KSeF, which was to be in force from this year, will not enter into force for now.

– We have detected critical errors that prevent the introduction of the National e-Invoice System in 2024. These problems concern the code, the system, its functionality and efficiency, said Minister of Finance Andrzej Domański during a press conference.

KSeF will not come into force in 2024

KSeF is a system that allows you to issue and share structured invoices. From July 2024, it was to cover entrepreneurs who are VAT payers, and later also other entities. Ultimately, it was to be the mandatory method of issuing invoices and eliminate paper invoices. However, this will not happen in the coming months.

Domański announced that a tender for an external audit of the system will be announced today. – Perhaps it will reveal further potential errors – Domański said.

Additionally, there will be consultations with entrepreneurs and organizations representing them. It is easy to guess that another obligation to settle accounts was perceived by them as a hindrance and a new cost in running their business.

However, the Minister of Finance is a supporter of KSeF. In his opinion, it is needed by the Polish economy and emphasized that it will be introduced. – We must take care of budget revenues, tighten the system and computerize the Polish economy. On the other hand, the introduction of KSeF cannot threaten the stability of economic activity, said the head of the Ministry of Finance.

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